Tue, Jun 24, 2003
Friends of Meigs Field Says, 'Progress Made, Short Deadline:
Please Pledge Today.'
Rachel Goodstein, the President of
Friends of Meigs Field, wanted as many of you as possible to see
her latest update, on the battle (the Friends of Meigs haven't
given up!) that is about to be joined between Chicago's Mayor
Richard M. Daley and his taxpayer-supported lawyers, and the
Friends of Meigs, who have the law, tenacity, and your intesests on
Dear Meigs Supporter:
We are making progress raising the pledges to pay the legal fees
that will be needed if the Supreme Court rules in our favor and
orders a full, accelerated appeal hearing.
We need to raise pledges of $75,000 by this Friday, and, as of
last Thursday, night we had received $20,000. If you have already
contributed to this Supreme Court challenge, thank you. If you have
not, please make the largest gift you can now…$50 or $100 or
$1000 or more to support the defense of Meigs Field. To contribute
visit www.friendsofmeigs.org/defense,
and click on the link for Defense Fund. [Contributions are likely
tax-deductible -- see their website for details --ed.]
Saturday I had the opportunity to walk the full length of the
runway at Meigs and take close up pictures of the Mayor’s
vandalism. I was struck by the vicious and violent aspect of the
damage. And the experience revitalized my commitment to saving
Meigs Field.
I ask you to join me and the other supporters of Meigs who have
pledged funds so we can continue to seek a day in court for Meigs
[Don't sit this one out, hoping someone else
will fight the battle for you. Years (months?) from now, when the
Meigs case is cited as the precedent for closing your
airport, nobody will be able to help; the damage will have been
done --ed.]
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