Sun, Sep 12, 2004
AD/PA-46/33 Oxygen
Generator 11/2004, DM
Applicability: Model PA-46-500TP aeroplanes,
serial numbers 4697001 through 4697163.
- Unless already accomplished, perform the following inspections
on any oxygen
generator part number (P/N) 471-025, in accordance with The New
Aircraft, Inc. Service Bulletin (SB) No. 1140, dated 16 September
2003, and the
aeroplane maintenance manual (Chapter 35-20-00 refers):
a. The percussion cap for the presence of any protective cover;
b. The end of the trigger mechanism pin for the presence of any
silicon tube.
- Remove any percussion cap protective covers or trigger
mechanism silicon tubes
found during the Requirement 1 inspections.
Note: FAA AD 2004-15-19 Amdt 39-13753
For Requirement 1 - Within the next 50 hours time-in-service
(TIS) after the effective date of this Directive or within the next
30 calendar days after the effective date of this Directive,
whichever occurs first.
For Requirement 2 - Before further flight after the Requirement
1 inspections.
This Airworthiness Directive becomes effective on 13 September
Background: The United States Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) has received reports of protective covers
installed over the percussion cap or a silicon tube installed over
the end of the trigger mechanism pin, on the oxygen generator,
rendering the emergency oxygen system inoperative. This condition,
if not corrected, could result in the crew or passengers not being
able to get oxygen in an emergency situation. This Directive
requires an inspection to detect any protective cover over the
percussion cap or any silicon tube over the end of the trigger
mechanism pin together with their removal, if necessary.
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