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November 02, 2010

Aero-News Featured Aero-Casts For Tuesday 11.02.10

ANN Daily Touch-And-Go: 11.02.10 (ANN's Short-Form Daily News Program) ANN Daily Aero-Briefing: 11.02.10 (ANN's Long-Form Daily News Program) ANN Special Feature: Napolitano on GA Security - 11.02.10 (ANN Special Report, with US Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano)

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ANN Daily Aero-Briefing: 11.02.10

Discovery is a "go" for tomorrow afternoon.
An AS350 is down in Antarctica, with four souls lost.
And AirTran flight attendants file for mediation.

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ANN Daily Touch-And-Go: 11.02.10

Discovery is a "go" for tomorrow afternoon.
An AS350 is down in Antarctica, with four souls lost.
And AirTran flight attendants file for mediation.

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ANN Special Feature: Napolitano on GA Security - 11.02.10

ANN recalls two announcements regarding general aviation security made at Oshkosh this summer by US Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano.

FMI: ww

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Riverside, OH Joins The Growing Ranks Of Cities And States To Recognize GA

Releases Resolution Proclaiming the Value of General Aviation

The city of Riverside, OH has declared November, 2010 to be "General Aviation Appreciation Month" in a resolution passed by the City Council.

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CAV Aerospace Converting First Caravan To TKS Ice Protection

FedEx Express Cessnas Getting Anti-Ice System

Installation of the first TKS ice protection system on a single-engine Cessna Caravan is underway at CAV Aerospace, headquartered at the Salina Aviation Service Center.

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Tasmanian Airspace Now Controlled With High Accuracy WAM

First Multilateration System In Australia To Separate Aircraft In Both En Route And Terminal Airspace

The Wide Area Multilateration (WAM) system developed by Sensis Corporation has passed its safety case by the Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) and is now operational in airspace covering Tasmania, Australia.

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Australia's Rex Opposes 1,500 Hour Minimum For Flight Crews

Australian Proposal Similar To One Under Consideration By The U.S. Congress

Australia-based Regional Express (Rex) is concerned over recent suggestions requiring all pilots engaged in airline operations in Australia to have a minimum of 1500 hours flying time as suggested in a current Australian Senate inquiry into pilot training.

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Eight Year Air Ambulance Contract Goes To Helijet

Aircraft To Be Based In Vancouver And Prince Rupert, BC

An eight-year, $94.7 million contract has been awarded to Helijet International by the BC Ambulance Service to provide three helicopters, flight and maintenance personnel for rotary air ambulance services based in Vancouver and Prince Rupert in British Columbia, Canada.

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Estonian Air Orders Three Bombardier CRJ900 NextGen Airliners

Options For Two Additional Airplanes Included In The Deal

Bombardier Aerospace announced Thursday that Estonian Air of Tallinn, Estonia has signed a firm order for three CRJ900 NextGen aircraft and has also taken options on two CRJ900 NextGen aircraft.

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EC145 Helicopters For Kazakhstan To Be Assembled In Country

Two Strategic Agreements For The Joint Venture Approved

Two strategic agreements signed late last week establish the framework for Eurocopter’s creation of a 50/50 joint venture in Kazakhstan to assemble EC145 helicopters, along with the sale of 45 of these locally-assembled aircraft for government missions in the country.

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ForeFlight Adds Features To iPhone, iPad Apps

Fuel Prices, 'Direct-To', FBO Info, And More

The latest release of ForeFlight Mobile is now available for download  iTunes App Store. ForeFlight says the version 3.7 update includes features like fuel prices, SIDs and STARs, airway support, direct-to, airport and FBO comments, turbo downloads, and a long list of user interface tweaks and performance improvements.

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Iraq To Buy Eurocopter Agricultural Sprayers

Seven AS350 Helos Included In The Deal

The Iraqi Ministry of Agriculture plans to buy seven Eurocopter AS350 B3 Ecureuil helicopters for crop spraying missions over vast fields of date palm trees – which provide a major source of agricultural revenue for the country. The Iraqi government and Eurocopter signed the agreement Sunday.

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Navy Awards $14.8 Million For Helicopter Protection System

Raytheon To Produce Countermeasure Dispensers

The Department of the Navy's Naval Air Systems Command has awarded Raytheon Company (NYSE: RTN) a $14.8 million contract to produce dual pod countermeasures dispensers for U.S. Marine Corps CH-53 heavy-lift helicopters.

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Airbus Renews Support For UN Biodiversity Campaign

Ten Thousand Delegates Attended The Convention On Biological Diversity

Aircraft manufacturer Airbus said last week it is extending its support for the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).

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Aero-TV: Sharing The Joy Of Gyros -- Chris Burgess, Gyro Plane CFI

How To (Truly) Build A Safer Industry

Chris Burgess traces his love for rotorcraft back to his service in Vietnam. Even while flying Cobras for the US Army, he found himself fascinated by the early Bensen Gyrocopter ads in Popular Mechanics magazine. He became a member of the Popular Rotorcraft Association (PRA) while still in the service, anticipating the arrival of each new issue of Rotorcraft magazine.

Aero-TV: Sharing The Joy Of Gyros -- Chris Burgess, Gyro Plane CFI

How To (Truly) Build A Safer Industry

Chris Burgess traces his love for rotorcraft back to his service in Vietnam. Even while flying Cobras for the US Army, he found himself fascinated by the early Bensen Gyrocopter ads in Popular Mechanics magazine. He became a member of the Popular Rotorcraft Association (PRA) while still in the service, anticipating the arrival of each new issue of Rotorcraft magazine.

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GAO Study Acknowledges Inconsistancies In FAA Certifications

While Report Finds No "Problems In The Industry As A Whole," NATA Disagrees

A report released late last week from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) found that variation in FAA’s interpretation of standards for certification and approval decisions is a long-standing issue, but GAO found no evidence that quantified the extent of the problem in the industry as a whole.

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NTSB Investigating Decompression On AA B757

Hole Opened In Fuselage About 30 Minutes Into Flight

The FAA and NTSB are looking into an incident last week in which a two-foot long hole opened up in the fuselage of an American Airlines Boeing 757 at about FL310, causing rapid cabin decompression and forcing an emergency landing at Miami International Airport.

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N-Register Proposal To Be Reworked By EASA

EC Pushed A Decision On Third-County Licenses Back Two Months

The issue of third-country licences and registrations is still in play in Europe, which is affected by EASA proposals on flight crew licensing.

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Master Instructors Graduates Seven In October

One New, Six Returning Instructors Earned The Designation Last Month

Seven instructors earned the designation "Master Instructor" from Master Instructors LLC, the international Master Instructor accrediting authority.

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Air Force Reserve, ANG F-16 Displays In Line For Upgrades

Contract Awarded To Raytheon Worth $3.1 Million

The U.S. Air Force has awarded a contract to Raytheon Company to upgrade the Center Display Unit (CDU) of U.S. Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard F-16 aircraft.

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Helicopter Down In Antarctica, Four Fatally Injured

AS350 Went Down During A Blizzard

A helicopter with a French research crew on board has gone down in Antarctica fatally injuring all on board the aircraft.

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Flight Delayed By Lack Of A Wheelchair

Passengers Waited Nearly Three Hours While An Unbroken One Was Found

Passengers aboard a recent Delta Airlines flight set to depart from New York's JFK Airport were told that their flight was being delayed because the airplane's wheelchair, which is required on every flight, had a broken handle, and the plane could not take off while that piece of equipment was damaged.

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Aero-News: Quote Of The Day (11.02.10)

"By introducing this resolution to the City Council, I wanted to portray the importance of aviation across America ... This is our effort to support airports and aero-clubs in America." ource: Riverside, OH Deputy Mayor Edward W. Schock.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (11.02.10): Banana Pass

At an air show, a flyby where the aircraft flies a trajectory where, if viewed from above, traces a flight path that resembles a banana. 

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (11.02.10)

Civil Aerospace Medical Institute (CAMI) Library

CAMI is a special library primarily committed to serving the unique information needs of research staff. Although the primary focus of the collection is on aviation medicine, materials on human factors, engineering, management, and general reference are available.

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