America West May Introduce 'In-Flight Restaurant' | Aero-News Network
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Fri, Jan 03, 2003

America West May Introduce 'In-Flight Restaurant'

Why Not Pay for a Meal?

As airlines continue to try to stay in business, a popular tactic has been to eliminate in-meals. All joking about the aero-cuisine aside, many passengers appreciated chance to grab some nourishment, especially when that flight was the only chance they might have had, in a busy schedule.

With meals' costing the airlines in time, cash, and carrying capacity, though, most short-flight meal service has been eliminated. That may change.

Number 8 in the US market, America West Airlines, is floating a trial balloon to see if there's enough interest in passengers' buying meals. Early estimates of the prices run from under four dollars (chips and fruit) to ten bucks (chicken kiev).

As air travel becomes an increasing hassle, the duration of the flight has become less a factor in the overall time of inconvenience. Waiting for a flight for up to two hours (as recommended by 'security'), plus a three-hour flight, can keep people away from calories long enough, many suspect, to add to crankiness, enhance the effects of in-flight alcohol, and perhaps contribute to an increase in 'air rage' incidents.

America West, if its leaks are correct, will offer meals on many flights of over two-and-a-half hours' duration. If passenger acceptance is adequate, more choices, and even more flights, may be added to the mix. [If they make a dent in the market share of other airlines, expect competition to copy this plan. At some point, a rival airline may even offer free in-flight meals! --ed.]

Although the idea may seem new to US travelers, giving customers food they're willing to pay for is one way easyJet and Ryanair have kept black ink flowing in its ledgers...



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