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January 20, 2023

ZeroAvia’s Hydrogen-Electric Engine Powers Dornier 228 Test Aircraft

Complexities of the Simplest Element

ZeroAvia, the British/American hydrogen-electric aircraft developer, announced on 19 January 2023 that it had successfully flown a 19-seat Dornier 228 testbed aircraft, the left-engine of which had been replaced with a full-size prototype of the company’s hydrogen-electric powertrain.

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GAMA & Friends Urge EPA Not to Rush on Unleaded Avgas

While Alternatives Exist, a Premature End to 100LL Could Harm Industry 

A group of 7 aviation stakeholder organizations has formally submitted their comments to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed endangerment finding of lead in aviation gasoline (avgas). As we've seen in recent years, leaded avgas has become a pressure point in the industry, allowing those hostile to the presence of general aviation in their communities to force out light aircraft use under the auspices of public health. While replacements for leaded aviation fuel are on the way, the changeover will take some time.

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Airborne-Flight Training 01.12.23: Flt School Accreditation, Aerobility, LODA

Also: Hot Spots Standardized, AZ CAP, EAA’s CA Council, Airbase Arizona Museum

On February 28, 2023, the Flight School Association of North America is offering a first-of-its-kind, full day seminar the day before the start of the FSANA annual conference and trade show in Orlando. Accrediting organizations typically operate two accreditation seminars during the calendar year. The seminar will fulfill the requirement which is included in the updated accreditation standards being rolled out in March 2023. Andy Braybrook, a 35-year-old Grantham, UK man, has been picking up the basics of aviation thanks to the disabled flying charity, Aerobility. A mo

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Airborne-Flight Training 01.12.23: Flt School Accreditation, Aerobility, LODA

Also: Hot Spots Standardized, AZ CAP, EAA’s CA Council, Airbase Arizona Museum

On February 28, 2023, the Flight School Association of North America is offering a first-of-its-kind, full day seminar the day before the start of the FSANA annual conference and trade show in Orlando. Accrediting organizations typically operate two accreditation seminars during the calendar year. The seminar will fulfill the requirement which is included in the updated accreditation standards being rolled out in March 2023. Andy Braybrook, a 35-year-old Grantham, UK man, has been picking up the basics of aviation thanks to the disabled flying charity, Aerobility. A mo

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Robinson Helicopter Obtains Approval for Pressure Fueling System

Option for New Production R66s Enables Rapid Refueling and Turnaround with Waist-Level Port

Robinson has received approval for its R66 pressure refueling system, available on all new production models going forward. The 13-pound system enables consistent, rapid refueling from waist level, doing away with the difficulty of stools and ladders to access higher refueling positions. The new fuel cap allows operators to enjoy much faster turnaround between flights, no matter the fuel quantity added.

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USAF Launches 24 C-17s During Mission Generation Exercise

Answering the Call

On 05 January 2023, South Carolina's Joint Base Charleston launched no fewer than 24 C-17 Globemaster III heavy-lift transport aircraft as part of a mission generation exercise that comprised forces of the U.S. Air Force, Army, and Marine Corps operating across five locations. The exercise occasioned the largest C-17 launch ever from a single base and demonstrated the wing’s ability to rapidly generate and project overwhelming airpower alongside joint forces.

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U.S. Navy Training Aircraft Goes Down in Alabama

Instructor Pilot and Student Reported Safe

A Navy T-6B Texan II trainer aircraft went down in a remote, unpopulated area of Alabama on Tuesday 17 January 2023. The aircraft’s two occupants, an instructor pilot and his student, ejected from the aircraft and were evaluated for reportedly minor injuries.

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AEROCOR Celebrates 50th Type Rating and 100th Eclipse Training

Eclipse Jets Keep Racking Up Hours And Need Trained Pilots To Fly Them...

Vern Raburn's Eclipse light jets keep flying up a storm and the need for flight training continues. AEROCOR, a leading provider of Eclipse Flight Training, has announced they have 'out done themselves' by surpassing their performance predictions for a second year in a row.

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NBAA Calls for Extension of FAA SMS NPRM Comment Period

When the Weight of the Paperwork Exceeds that of the Aircraft …

The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) continues to review a 10 January 2023 FAA Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) which seeks to expand requirements for the implementation air-carrier Safety Management Systems (SMS) beyond Part 121 airlines to commercial aviation concerns the likes of Part 135 and Part 91 operators.

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Classic Aero-TV: Powering Up Through The Flight Levels-True Blue Power's TI-2000

From 2017 (YouTube Version): True Blue Power Introduces High-Power Inverter…

True Blue Power has announced that the company has added a 2000-watt inverter to its line of power solutions. The new TI2000 DC-to-AC Inverter provides wall outlet power to cabin and galley equipment, including entertainment and gaming systems, personal electronic devices (PEDs), microwave ovens, and coffee makers. It is ideal for VIP cabin configurations, special missions and emergency medical equipment.

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DARPA Taps Boeing Subsidiary for Novel X-Plane

Active Flow Control X-Planed

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), a secretive research and development division of the United States Department of Defense tasked with weaponizing inchoate technologies, has awarded Boeing subsidiary Aurora Flight Sciences a contract to build a full-scale demonstration aircraft under the auspices of the agency’s Control of Revolutionary Aircraft with Novel Effectors (CRANE) project. Subject program aims to design, build, and flight-test a novel X-plane that incorporates Active Flow Control (AFC) as a primary design consideration.

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Airborne-NextGen 01.10.23: Scalebirds P-36, Aerobility, NWOC Warbird Conference

Also: UAS Spectrum Licensing, Artemis Inspections, Super Bowl LVII Procedural Overview, UAVs Ath The Border

RYSE Aero Technologies demonstrated its RECON ultralight electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing (eVTOL) vehicle at the 2023 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. Classified under FAR Part 103, the RECON is an all-electric aircraft operated as an ultralight air vehicle. In the four-months since the RECON's first manned flight, RYSE has conducted numerous public flights and demonstrations at numerous agriculture and farming expos. Autel Robotics’s EVO Max 4T UAV has been unveiled as an intelligent, innovative flight platform at once su

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (01.20.23): Radio Magnetic Indicator

Radio Magnetic Indicator An aircraft navigational instrument coupled with a gyro compass or similar compass that indicates the direction of a selected NAVAID and indicates bearing with respect to the heading of the aircraft.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (01.20.23)

Aero Linx: The ARFF Working Group Everyday there are thousands of specialized aircraft rescue firefighting (ARFF) professionals around the world working to protect airports and the millions of passengers utilizing air travel daily. The ARFF Working Group is dedicated to ensuring that ARFF personnel are prepared to safely and effectively complete their mission. Established in 1990 the ARFF Working Group was organized to create an active network of information sharing among airport fire rescue professionals. We continue to develop and deliver comprehensive educational programs on a wide variety of topics effecting firefighters around the globe.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (01.20.23)

"The aircrew successfully ejected from the aircraft and are in the process of receiving medical attention. No significant injuries have been reported at this time." Source: The news from U.S. Navy spokesman Lieutenant John Lobkowicz, as a Navy T-6B Texan II trainer aircraft went down in a remote, unpopulated area of Alabama on Tuesday 17 January 2023. The aircraft’s two occupants, an instructor pilot and his student, ejected from the aircraft and were evaluated for reportedly minor injuries.

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