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January 18, 2023

Biden’s FAA Nominee Gains Partisan Support Despite Under-Qualification

Trouble’s Proliferation in Nepotism’s Long Shadow

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is stating he will push to confirm Phillip Washington, Joe Biden’s pick for FAA Administrator. Schumer’s assertion was made in the wake of an 11 January 2023 FAA database failure which occasioned the grounding of nearly ten-thousand U.S. domestic flights and raised questions about the protracted vacancy of the FAA’s top office.  

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Milestone Event: 15th Annual Midwest LSA Expo

2023 Expo Dates Are Set For September 7th – 9th, 2023

Chris Collins and the folks who present the MidWest LSA Expo each year are inviting one and all to join them at the 15th Annual Midwest LSA Expo, held annually at the Mt. Vernon Outland Airport (KMVN) in Mt. Vernon, Illinois. With all segments of aviation welcome, the Midwest LSA Expo remains focused on its designed goal, and that is to showcase ALL things Light Aviation. A show known for its hospitality, charm, and always aircraft sales, the intent for the 15th annual show is simply to add more to all the aforementioned!

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Airborne 01.11.23: Scalebirds P-36, Aerobility, NWOC Warbird Conference

Also: Super Bowl LVII TFR, EAA Canadian Council, FAA-Korea Coop, ERBS Reentry

The Scalebirds P-36 test aircraft has been flying for a while now and as most flight test programs prove, there is always room for tweaking. The P-36 is turning out to be a solid attraction for warbird enthusiasts on a budget, powered by an uncommon Verner 7U Radial engine and designed for light aerobatics. Andy Braybrook, a 35-year-old Grantham, UK man, has been picking up the basics of aviation thanks to the disabled flying charity, Aerobility. A motorcycle accident 6 years prior caused Braybrook to suffer a spinal cord injury at the 7th cervical vertebra, putting him

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Delta Pilots Union Considers New Contract Offer

Devils, Details, and Dollars

Pilots union negotiators at Delta Air Lines have finalized the language of a tentative labor agreement by which pilots in the employ of the Atlanta-based legacy air-carrier would receive an initial pay increase of 18-percent. The tentative agreement is to be next considered by the Air Line Pilots Association at Delta, which will carefully review its contents for up to one week before determining whether the proposal merits a vote by Delta’s rank-and-file pilots.

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eSPRG Profile: Van’s RV-15 Prototype Evolving on Pace

Oddity’s Splendor

The announcement at AirVenture 2021 that Van’s Aircraft—the famed light-sport aircraft marque—was to produce its first high-wing model, the RV-15, was met with varying degrees of surprise and disbelief. In the 18-months since, surprise and disbelief have given way to keen senses of eagerness and anticipation within the light-sport aircraft community, and legions of light-sport aircraft enthusiasts have begun readying their wallets and workshops for the arrival of their RV-15 kits.

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Jet It to Expand Gogo AVANCE L3 Fleetwide

Installing AVANCE L3 On The Remainder Of The Fleet Including Every New Phenom 300

Gogo Business Aviation’s Gogo AVANCE L3 has been selected by Jet It for installation across its fleet of HondaJets, Gulfstream G150s and new Embraer Phenom 300 aircraft. “After carefully evaluating every inflight connectivity solution, Gogo was the clear winner for the 26 aircraft  in our fleet,” said Glenn Gonzales, founder and CEO of Jet It.

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USAF Jolly Green II Helicopters Notch First Combat Rescues

Carrying on the Family Tradition

The United States Air Force’s new search-and-rescue helicopter is acquitting itself admirably during its first combat deployment. The service reported in January 2023 that a December 2022 rescue mission on Africa’s eastern horn had culminated with an HH-60W Jolly Green II crew saving the lives of two foreign troops. The instance occasioned the first publicized real-world oversea deployment of the HH-60W since the aircraft was declared combat-ready in October 2022.

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General Atomics Sees Advances in AI Pilots

New Learning Algos Allow Autonomous Thread Avoidance, Environmental Survey

General Atomics (GA-ASI) has continued its work integrating AI 'pilots' on the Open Mission System (OMS) software stack, announcing headway on flight-ready autonomous aircraft in multi-objective testing. The company advanced its Collaborative Combat Aircraft (CCA) ecosystem with a battery of test missions with artificially intelligent (AI) pilots, evaluating their ability to undergo collaborative combat missions. The flights took place at General Atomics' Desert Horizons flight operations facility in El Mirage, California.

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Undisclosed Customer Orders 15 Embraer E-195-E2 Jets

E-Jet Family Sales Remain Brisk

Embraer S.A., the Brazilian multinational aerospace concern and manufacturer of commercial, military, executive, and agricultural aircraft, continues to enjoy strong sales of its E-Jet family of four-abreast, narrow-body, short to medium-range, twin-engine, jet airliners. On 16 January 2023, Embraer announced it had secured a firm order for 15 new E-195-E2 aircraft from an undisclosed customer. The order is valued at $1.17-billion (list price) and will be added to the company’s fourth-quarter 2022 backlog.

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Classic Aero-TV: NTSB Chairman Hart: GA Safety, AOA and the 2020 ADS-B Mandate

From 2015 (YouTube Version): Straight Talk About Issues Facing The GA Community From A Gov’t Official Who Actually Answers Questions...

While at EAA AirVenture 2015, ANN News Editor, Tom Patton, had the opportunity to spend some time talking with Christopher Hart, the Chairman of the NTSB. For those of us in aviation, if asked the question; who would you like to sit down with and chat about aviation over a cup of coffee, we’re sure Chairman Hart would be at the top of the list. The first topic discussed in the long list of safety issues was the concern for loss of control accidents. Hart says they have been taking a ve

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Airborne-NextGen 01.10.23: RECON eVTOL, Autel EVO Max4T, M2DO MQ-9A Reaper

Also: UAS Spectrum Licensing, Artemis Inspections, Super Bowl LVII Procedural Overview, UAVs Ath The Border

RYSE Aero Technologies demonstrated its RECON ultralight electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing (eVTOL) vehicle at the 2023 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. Classified under FAR Part 103, the RECON is an all-electric aircraft operated as an ultralight air vehicle. In the four-months since the RECON's first manned flight, RYSE has conducted numerous public flights and demonstrations at numerous agriculture and farming expos. Autel Robotics’s EVO Max 4T UAV has been unveiled as an intelligent, innovative flight platform at once su

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NTSB Prelim: Piper PA-28-151

Pilot Made A Forced Landing To A Partially Frozen Creek

On December 26, 2022, about 1015 eastern standard time, a Piper PA-28-151, N1867H, was substantially damaged when it was involved in an accident shortly after takeoff from Lee County Airport (ANP), Annapolis, Maryland. The pilot sustained minor injuries. The airplane was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 personal flight. The pilot stated that he performed a pre-flight inspection in accordance with the checklist and all was normal.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (01.18.23)

Aero Linx: The Beechcraft Heritage Museum The Beechcraft Heritage Museum is a distinctly original one-of-a-kind, “living and working” aviation museum that traces the lineage of the Beechcraft family of airplanes. The Museum began life as the Staggerwing Museum Foundation, incorporated in October of 1973, under the auspices of the Staggerwing Club. In April 2007, the Museum became the Beechcraft Heritage Museum. This change reflects our commitment to promoting aviation education and preserving the heritage nurtured by generations of enthusiasts of all Beechcraft models from 1932 through the present.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (01.18.23): Light Gun

Light Gun A handheld directional light signaling device which emits a brilliant narrow beam of white, green, or red light as selected by the tower controller. The color and type of light transmitted can be used to approve or disapprove anticipated pilot actions where radio communication is not available. The light gun is used for controlling traffic operating in the vicinity of the airport and on the airport movement area.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (01.18.23)

“After carefully evaluating every inflight connectivity solution, Gogo was the clear winner for the 26 aircraft  in our fleet. We’ve been a longtime customer of Gogo’s and the AVANCE L3 has been proven to meet the needs of our customers. The service Gogo provides is reliable and affordable and their customer support meets the demanding schedules our busy coast-to-coast operations require.” Source: From a quote by Glenn Gonzales, founder and CEO of Jet It, as Gogo notched another win as the fractional company committed to intalling their AVANCE L3 systems across the entire current and future fleet.

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