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May 30, 2022

Free STEM Event Coming To Lakeland

Lakeland's ACE & 'Air Race Classic' Host STEM Aviation Event For Females

Sun n Fun’s Aerospace Center for Excellence (ACE) in conjunction with 2022 Air Race Classic (ARC) participants will host a free girls only STEM aviation education event for those aged 11-18, on 18 Jun 2022 from 1:00-3:00pm CDT. The event will be held in the Skylab Innovation Center at Lakeland Linder International Airport (LAL) in Florida. Only 60 spots are available, so don’t delay your registration!

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Aero-TV At SnF2022: Seamax At SnF2022

Seamax Debuts LSA Special Amphibian

We spoke with Mr. Miguel Rosario, COO of Seamax Aircraft who began by stating that “we build this airplane, LSA special certificated airplane since 2000. The factory is in Brazil, Sao Paulo, and we have a hangar in Daytona Beach, Florida where we finish the plane and have the support for the customers.” The name Seamax originated from the name of a friend of his, Armando, who helped him develop this airplane, so Mr. Rosario began with his first name, ‘Miguel’, the art the name of his friend ‘Armando’, and X from the town where this friend was born, Xapuri. So

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NBAA Backs US Senate Support for Aviation Infrastructure

U.S. Senate Introduces Aviation Modernization Act To Support Advanced Air Mobility

Yesterday, US Senators Alex Padilla (D-California), and Jerry Moran (R-Kansas) introduced bipartisan legislation for the Advanced Aviation Infrastructure Modernization (AAIM) Act, to help communities prepare and pave the way for the eventual integration of advanced air mobility (AAM) technologies.

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Sport's Introduces 1/72 Cessna Skyhawk

A Rare Model of a Common Aircraft

Cessna Skyhaw fans have some good news from Sporty's after the introduction of their 172 model. Those instructors, collectors, and desk drivers familiar with the wide variety of combat aircraft models likely know the pain felt by general aviation enthusiasts. While nearly every military and transport aircraft ever made is available in a variety of models, styles, and liveries, smaller, more commonplace personal aircraft tend to be far more rare.

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Arkansas’ Central Flying Service Under New Ownership

Central Flying Service’s 82-Year Legacy To Continue Under Tricoastal Ventures

Central Flying Service of Little Rock, Arkansas, a family-owned flight training, charter, and maintenance facility that has been in business since 1939, has been acquired by Tricoastal Ventures, a capital investment firm involved in commercial aviation. On the deal that was completed yesterday, outgoing CEO Richard Holbert said he was pleased with the new ownership team and their experience, adding that he was “proud to know that Central is in the right hands, and that the unique and lasting brand we created will continue to serve our great people and this community for decades to come.”

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Boeing Starliner Returns Despite Hiccups

Boeing’s Uncrewed CST-100 Overcame System Issues Completes Mission

On 19 May 2020, NASA and Boeing’s joined forces to launch the Boeing Orbital Flight Test-2 (OFT-2) uncrewed CST-100 into space aboard the United Launch Alliance (ULA) Atlas V rocket, destination, International Space Station (ISS). Late last week, the CST-100 returned, landing at the White Sands Missile Range, in New Mexico around 6:45pm EDT.

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Airbus To Support US Army With 5-Year Contract

Airbus Scores 5-Year Support Contract With US Army

The United States Army has extended its contractual work with Airbus’ Contractor Logistical Support (CLS) to the Army’s entire fleet of 482 Lakota helicopters. In this agreement, Boeing will be responsible for providing engineering support, materials, and spare parts to keep the Lakota UH-72A and UH-72B of training and utility helicopters mission ready. Boeing has previously enjoyed a lucrative long-term agreement with the US Army.

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Blackhawk Aerospace Receives PMA Authorization

First Up: Improving Citation 525, 550 STC Offerings, Then onto King Air Modifications

Blackhawk Aerospace Technologies has announced the successful receipt of FAA Parts Manufacturer Approval Authorization. Their new PMA allows them to produce and sell modifications and replacement parts for type-certified aircraft and products. Blackhawk sees the new ability as a mark of pride, showing the high level of quality and competence shown in their work up to now. For customers, this now means that Blackhawk products will be even easier to support, allowing the company to do more in-house and ship product faster. 

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NTSB Prelim: Schweizer SGS 2-33A

The Turn From Base To Final “Looked Early, And Slightly Higher Than Normal.”

On May 15, 2022, at 1458 eastern daylight time, a Schweizer SGS-2-33A glider, N17879, was substantially damaged when it was involved in an accident near Blairstown, New Jersey. The pilot was fatally injured. The glider was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 solo instructional flight. According to the pilot’s flight instructor, he met the pilot at the airport to review his logbook and plan for two instructional flights. He reported the weather as “good with light winds and smooth conditions” based on flights he performed earlier that day.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (05.30.22)

Aero Linx: Aeromedical Society of Australasia Formed in 1985 as the Australian chapter of the International Society of Aeromedical Services (ISAS), the organisation was renamed the Aeromedical Society of Australasia in 2010 to reflect the important role and professional standing our members have in the aeromedical industry and community-at-large. The Society had its beginnings in Europe; as described in the paper 'ISAS Beginnings' (below) presented by Gerhard Kugler, one of the 'fathers' of air medicine, to the Society's 2007 scientific meeting in Wellington, NZ.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (05.30.22): Runway Profile Descent

Runway Profile Descent An instrument flight rules (IFR) air traffic control arrival procedure to a runway published for pilot use in graphic and/or textual form and may be associated with a STAR. Runway Profile Descents provide routing and may depict crossing altitudes, speed restrictions, and headings to be flown from the en route structure to the point where the pilot will receive clearance for and execute an instrument approach procedure. A Runway Profile Descent may apply to more than one runway if so stated on the chart.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (05.30.22)

“...we are proud of our more than 15-year record of providing excellent service and hope to continue this partnership for many years to come”. Source: Scott Tumpak, Vice President of Military Helicopters Division at Airbus, detailing why the United States Army has extended its contractual work with Airbus’ Contractor Logistical Support (CLS) to the Army’s entire fleet of 482 Lakota helicopters.

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