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July 25, 2021

Aero-TV At SnF21: Fly It Like You STOL It

Incredibly Entertaining, STOL Demos and Competitions Have Become All The Rage 

STOL (Short Takeoff and Landing) Competitions show another side of flight, showcase the skill, and precision of pilots who have mastered the art of flying low and slow -- so it was a natural event to offer at this year’s SnF gathering. Demonstrations were hosted all week of the National STOL Competition Series during the SUN 'n FUN Aerospace Expo! The National STOL Competition uses a fixed line that competitors must land beyond, and their distance is recorded when their tires stop. For takeoffs, pilots start on the line and take off in the sh

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Sunday Night At The Movies... Oshkosh Style

A Five-Story-High Projection Screen Does The Honors

Located adjacent to Camp Scholler, the Fly-In Theater is reminiscent of the famous drive-in theaters of the past. From the comfort of their lawn chair or blanket, attendees enjoy aviation and Hollywood classics illuminating from a five-story-high projection screen. And there’s free popcorn too!

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How To Get Your Oshkosh Day Off To The Right Start

Chapters Have Been Hosting Pancake Breakfasts At The Campground Pavilion Since 2018

Feeling a little peckish in the morning, are you? Well... EAA has an answer for that. EAA Camp Scholler residents again have the opportunity to start their AirVenture day with a hot, hearty breakfast right inside the campground. In the northeast corner of the campground resides a pavilion where each morning a different EAA chapter hosts a traditional pancake breakfast. The breakfast events are a fundraiser for each chapter, and meals are offered to all campground residents, meaning all are welcome! Beginning each morning at 7 a.m. and running until around 11 a.m., campers can enjoy a stack of pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausages, coffee, and orange drink on their way

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Rare 1929 TravelAir To Make An Appearance At Oshkosh

Hermann Carus Purchased The Travelair For $5,500 In August 1930

Aviation enthusiasts headed to EAA AirVenture 2021 will enjoy a rare sight as a 1929 TravelAir Model 10-D airplane arrives at Oshkosh, Wis. The TravelAir—the last of its kind—will fly in on Sunday, July 25, and will be on display in the Antique section of EAA’s Vintage area throughout the week for aviators to explore. Owned by Inga Carus and her spouse, Peter Limberger—founders of CL Enterprises, the family holding company for Carver Aero—the Travel Air has a unique history with family ties. Inga Carus’ great uncle Hermann Carus purchased the TravelAir for $5,500 in August 1930. At that time, the TravelAir was considered to be a luxurious executive

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Quark Expeditions Unveils Polar Helicopter Program

Quark Has Been Conducting Polar Tours For 30 Years

Quark Expeditions has released details of a new helicopter program that makes use of two twin-engine Airbus H145 helicopters that are designed to take travelers deep into the Polar Regions. "Last year we shared the excitement of Ultramarine's two twin-engine helicopters—which totally transform the way we explore the Polar Regions. Today, we're even more exhilarated to share details of these two sleek, polar-ready helicopters that will enable us to take guests deeper into the Polar Regions than any other operator in the expedition industry," said Andrew White, President of Quark Expeditions.

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Maryland State Police Aviation Command Helicopter Performs Aerial Hoist Rescue

Injured Swimmer Rescued From Swallow Falls In Youghiogheny River

Maryland State Police rescued a swimmer who was injured Friday in Garrett County. Shortly after 5 p.m. on Friday, Maryland State Police Helicopter Trooper 5, based at Cumberland Airport, was dispatched to perform an aerial hoist rescue of a victim who sustained a head injury after slipping on a rock. Due to the steep terrain, extended extraction time, and the nature of the victim’s injuries, a Maryland State Police Aviation Command helicopter was requested by SYSCOM through Garret County Fire and Rescue to perform an aerial hoist rescue.

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Airborne 07.21.21: Blue Origin Soars!, HondaJet Update, Massive Caravan Buy

Also: French Air Force PC-21s, FAA Space Safety Office, Starliner Part 2, Allied Pilots Association

On Tuesday, Blue Origin successfully completed New Shepard’s first human flight on the 52nd anniversary of the first moon landing, with four private citizens onboard. The crew included Jeff Bezos, Mark Bezos, Wally Funk and Oliver Daemen, who all officially became astronauts when they passed the 62+ mile high Kármán Line, the internationally recognized boundary of space (and significantly higher than the Virgin Galactic flight). Upon landing, the astronauts were greeted by their families and Blue Origin’s ground operations team

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NTSB Prelim: Bell 206

Engine Lost Partial Power And The Helicopter Landed Hard On The Runway And Rolled Over

On June 29, 2021, at 1347 eastern daylight time, a Bell 206B, N134VG, was substantially damaged when it was involved in an accident at Griffiss International Airport (RME), Rome, New York. The airline transport pilot and two pilot-rated passengers sustained minor injuries. The helicopter was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 91 instructional flight. The purpose of the flight was to conduct an initial Part 135 competency check ride for the pilot. On board were two Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) aviation safety inspectors, one seated in the left seat performing the check ride, and another in the left rear seat providing oversight

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AD: Bell Textron Canada Limited

AD 2021-15-06 Requires Determining If An Affected Part Is Installed (By Doing A Maintenance Records Check Or Inspection)

The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Bell Helicopter Textron Canada Limited (now Bell Textron Canada Limited) Model 206A, 206B, 206L, 206L-1, 206L-3, and 206L-4 helicopters. This AD was prompted by a report that a certain tail rotor disc assembly, sold as an alternate part, does not conform to the approved configuration. This AD requires determining if an affected part is installed (by doing a maintenance records check or inspection), and if an affected part is found, replacement with a non-affected part. The FAA is issuing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products. This AD is effect

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AD: Airbus Helicopters

AD 2021-11-10 Prompted By A Report That Damage (Scorch Marks) Was Found On An Internal Life Raft Installation

The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Airbus Helicopters Model SA-365N, SA-365N1, AS-365N2, and AS 365 N3 helicopters. This AD was prompted by a report that damage (scorch marks) was found on an internal life raft installation that contained a half rescue kit. This AD requires identifying the part number and serial number of each half rescue kit located in the internal life raft installation and, depending on the findings, inspecting the life raft for damage, inspecting the condition of the flashlight battery, testing the flashlight battery, and replacing the life raft or flashlight battery (including the leak

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (07.25.21)

Aero Linx: The UK Flight Safety Committee The UK Flight Safety Committee is an unincorporated association of professionals dedicated to the improvement of Commercial Aviation Safety. Members meet regularly to exchange safety information and to examine ways to improve safety and to avoid incidents and accidents. Executive Summaries identify key safety issues raised at recent UKFSC Safety Information Exchange Meetings.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (07.25.21): Severe Weather Avoidance Plan (SWAP)

Severe Weather Avoidance Plan (SWAP) An approved plan to minimize the affect of severe weather on traffic flows in impacted terminal and/or ARTCC areas. A SWAP is normally implemented to provide the least disruption to the ATC system when flight through portions of airspace is difficult or impossible due to severe weather.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (07.25.21)

“The Carus family is continuing its rich aviation history with the acquisition of Carver Aero in 2019. Carver Aero’s purpose is to create greater opportunity for people in small towns through aviation. The TravelAir is reminiscent of the last 100 years of aviation. Carver Aero is pioneering a path to the next 100 years by recreating the wonder and inclusion of small town aviation.” Source: Peter Limberger, a co-founder of CL Enterprises, the family holding company for Carver Aero—with which the Travel Air has a unique history with the family.

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