Groen Bro's 'American Autogyro' To Debut Its Sparrowhawk Gyroplane | Aero-News Network
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Sat, Jun 21, 2003

Groen Bro's 'American Autogyro' To Debut Its Sparrowhawk Gyroplane

Finally, A Serious Gyro... "Done Right"

Groen Brothers Aviation, Inc., has announced that its wholly owned subsidiary, American Autogyro Incorporated (AAI), will debut the prototype of its new gyroplane product line (prototype pix shown below) at the annual conventions of both the Popular Rotorcraft Association at Mentone, Indiana, and the Experimental Aircraft Association at Oshkosh, Wisconsin. The Mentone show is the world's largest gathering of homebuilt rotorcraft and runs from July 23 - 27. The Oshkosh show is the world's largest gathering of homebuilt aircraft and takes place July 29 - August 4. Homebuilt aircraft, also commonly referred to as kit-built aircraft, are extremely popular and each year make up the vast majority of new aircraft sales worldwide.

"This will be the first public showing of this amazing aircraft. Even though we have not yet begun our advertising campaign, we already have fully paid orders on nearly 20 SparrowHawk Gyroplanes which we expect will begin being delivered this year, and we have been delivering stabilization upgrade kits of our design, since the beginning of April of this year," says James P. Mayfield, AAI president and originator of the AAI product line.

Mayfield goes on to say, "Because we began as a mainstream aircraft manufacturer, we were able to apply to our products, all of the modern high-tech design, engineering, testing, loads measuring, in flight data recording, and analysis that is normally only available in the development of FAA certified aircraft."

The AAI team's unparalleled knowledge of the principles of safe autorotative flight was gained at Groen Brothers Aviation while developing the Rolls-Royce turbine powered Hawk 4 Gyroplane.

James Mayfield also said, "The existing market for a safe, stable, easy-to-fly two seat gyroplane is already large. We believe, however, that our experience, expertise, and engineering excellence, and the confidence it will bring to those who have always wanted to fly rotorwing aircraft, will dramatically expand this market. It will also allow us to enter the Public Use airborne law enforcement sector and the traditional market for fixed wing pilots.

"Public Use Law 103-411, which enables any government agency to operate the SparrowHawk as an aerial patrol vehicle, creates a marvelous opportunity for small to medium size agencies to have an aerial support capability. The SparrowHawk in an airborne surveillance role, can be employed for slightly more than the cost of a police cruiser automobile. We expect our entry into this market to be very successful.

"We anticipate additional sales into the fixed wing market as pilots have an opportunity to fly our aircraft and experience the fun and affordability of autorotative flight. Most pilots, it seems, have had a long fascination with rotorcraft and their capabilities. We have a product that meets the engineering, safety and stability standards that this sophisticated market demands."



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