Sat, Aug 24, 2024
Swiss aviator Bertrand Piccard and his team are building a fully hydrogen-powered aircraft.
The project, titled Climate Impulse, aspires to make a non-stop flight around the world. In doing so, the team hopes to inspire a greener future for aviation. Piccard is a well-known figure in the sustainable aviation industry. In 1999, he and his copilot, Brian Jones, became the first to circumnavigate the globe in a hot-air balloon. The NTSB conducted an investigation of over 500 fatal and nonfatal accidents between 2010 and 2022. The study found several safety issues affecting a subset of commercial aviation operations that includes commuter air carriers, air ambulance services, air tour operators, on-demand business jet charters, and other operations. SpaceX has decided to reprogram the Dragon landings to splash down in the Pacific Ocean off Long Beach, California. The company explained the move is due to concerns over the module’s trunk section shedding debris during reentry. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne-Unlimited!!!
Airborne 08.16.24 is chock full of info in this Daily News Episode, Friday, August 16th, 2024... Presented by Aero-TV veteran videographer and Airborne Host Holland Lee. Holland is supported by ANN Chief Videographer Nathan Cremisino, as well as ANN CEO/Editor-In-Chief Jim Campbell. This episode covers:
- Hydrogen-Powered Aircraft To Attempt Non-Stop Global Flight
- Safety Vulnerabilities Identified In NTSB Investigation
- SpaceX Relocating Dragon Water Landings
- CAMCOPTER S-100 Squadron Used To Protect The 2024 Olympics
- Misleading Virgin Atlantic Advert Banned
- Embraer Gets Order For Eight E190-E2 Aircraft
- NASA’s New Mexico Site Launches Scientific Balloons
Get Comprehensive, Real-Time, 24/7 coverage of the latest aviation and aerospace stories anytime, at And be sure to join us again tomorrow, for the next edition of "Airborne Unlimited" here on Aero-TV. Thanks for watching. See you, again, tomorrow!
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