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January 07, 2008


NOTAM Number: FDC 8/0522  Issue Date: January 07, 2008 at 2032 UTC  Type: Special 

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FAA Looks Into Potential For Passenger Access To 787 Systems

Nevermind Asking If The Dreamliner Will Hack It... Can Someone Hack The Dreamliner?

Unless it's an order announcement -- or photos from its first flight -- Boeing would probably prefer to keep its delayed 787 Dreamliner out of the news cycle right now. As interest in the composite-bodied airliner increases, however, so do the headlines... which is likely why news of a potential security flaw in the design of the aircraft made the rounds in the general media last week.

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Aerospace Stocks Fall On News Of Declining Airliner Orders

Well, What Did They Expect Would Happen?

Airbus and Boeing have cautioned for months they expect a sharp drop in orders for 2008, following record showings for both manufacturers in 2007... but it seems the world's financial markets are just now coming around to that reality. Aerospace stocks took a sharp drop Monday, and the expected orders slowdown is to blame.

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Gone West: Owen Gassaway Jr.

Legend Of Florida Aviation Was 83

Aero-News has learned of the passing of a true legend. Owen H. Gassaway Jr. didn't make his name in the aviation community by flying planes, but by managing and servicing them... and, making a well-known airport what it is today.

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Mitsubishi Selects Rockwell Collins For MRJ Flight Controls

Will Provide Fly-By-Wire Computers, Associated Interfaces

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI) selected Rockwell Collins to provide primary flight control computers, pilot controls and  horizontal stabilizer trim system for the Mitsubishi Regional Jet (MRJ).

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Man Rushes Past Security In Toronto, Boards Jazz Flight

Security Eventually Catches Up After Pilot Confronts Him

Police in Toronto tell the CanWest News Service a 20-year-old man who ran past security at Pearson International faces multiple criminal charges, but may suffer from mental illness.

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Aero-News Featured Aero-Casts For Monday 01.07.08

Missed Approach Procedures, With CFII Bob Miller

ANN Daily Touch N Go: 01.07.08 (ANN's Short-Form Daily News Program) ANN Daily Aero-Briefing: 01.07.08 (ANN's Long-Form Daily News Program) ANN Special Feature -- How NOT To Miss A Beat During Missed Approaches: 01.07.08 (ANN Special Report, with CFII Bob Miller of "Over The Airwaves.")

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CDC Says Indian Passenger Flew With TB

Wants Fellow Travelers To Get Checked ASAP

Stop us if you've heard this one before. An airline passenger on an international flight is feared to have contaminated 44 fellow passengers with multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis, after disregarding a diagnosis and flying anyway.

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Playing Catch-Up: NASA Plans Six Shuttle Flights In 2008

Accelerated Schedule Causes Safety Concerns

Faced with continued launch delays, and a hard September 2010 deadline for retirement of the shuttle fleet, NASA is scrambling to play "catch-up" on its obligation to wrap up construction of the International Space Station -- and has scheduled six shuttle missions this year to do it.

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South Korea Loses Contact With Satellite

Arirang I Launched It 1999

News agencies throughout Asia report the South Korean government has confirmed a loss of contact with its first multipurpose communications satellite.

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Missionary Group Suspends Air Operations In Kenya

Political Upheaval Triggers Riots

Politically-triggered violence which has rocked Kenya for a week, and claimed more than 300 lives, caused Mission Aviation Fellowship Thursday to suspend all its flights in the country.

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Cessna Defends Its China Choice On SkyCatcher Blog

Commenters Aren't Buying It... Or, Apparently, The Plane

Criticism of Cessna's choice to build the upcoming SkyCatcher LSA in China has grown steadily since the American planemaker announced its decision in December. The company's VP of Marketing, Tom Aniello, responded to those grumblings in a posting last month on the Cessna SkyCatcher blog... acknowledging the debate many of us have heard around pilot lounges, aviation events, and on the pages of several publications (including ANN.)

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ANN Daily Aero-Briefing: 01.07.08

Boeing reports a big 2007.
Five Eastern Orthodox Christmas celebrants are dead in a weekend accident in Alaska.
And another tuberculosis patient has been flying on airliners.


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ANN Daily Touch-And-Go: 01.07.08

Boeing reports a big 2007.
Five Eastern Orthodox Christmas celebrants are dead in a weekend accident in Alaska.
And another tuberculosis patient has been flying on airliners.

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ANN Special Feature: CFII Bob Miller, Altimeters and Missed Approaches - 01.07.08

ANN's Paul Plack talks with CFII Bob Miller of Over The Airwaves about why the basic altimeter becomes the primary focus of a pilot's scan during an IFR approach and why, even during landing, you n

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Aero-TV Checks Out The Latest Military Flight Simulation Tech at I/ITSEC 2007!

Just a few weeks ago at the annual I/ITSEC Conference, Aero-TV spent several days flying and researching some of the most exotic and impressive technologies in the aerospace world... whether you were trying to help pilots land Hawkeyes on a carrier, fly serious air combat profiles against dissimilar aircraft, or dock future spacecraft (that do not yet exist) at the ISS.


Aero-TV Checks Out The Latest Military Flight Simulation Tech at I/ITSEC 2007!

If It Can Be Flown, I/ITSEC Members Can Simulate It

Thanks to the able guidance of the folks of I/ITSEC, especially their John Williams, the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference, Aero-TV got a good long look at some of the impressive simulation and training technologies being brought to our defense by military training operations.

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Scientific Balloons Achieve Antarctic Flight Record

NASA and the National Science Foundation have achieved a new milestone in conducting scientific observations from balloons, by launching and operating three long-duration flights within a single Antarctic summer.

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Navajo Down On T/O In AK

Six Perish, Four Survive water Impact

A Piper Navajo PA-31 (file photo, below right)went down shortly after takeoff from Alaska's Kodiak Airport, impacting in a harbor just off the end of the runway. Reports indicate the aircraft may have been attempting to turn back to the airport when it went down.

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Emergency USAF Airdrop Rescues Stranded Ship

Teamwork, flexibility and airpower were used to deliver critical repair parts to a stranded British fishing vessel, the Argos Georgia, and its 25-person crew Jan. 4. The vessel had lost all main power and been frozen in the ice flow off the Ross Ice Shelf since Christmas Eve, New Zealand time.

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ANN Names The 'Heartbreakers' of 2007: #7--Lawyers, Lawyers, Lawyers...

From the Heartbreaker's List #7: Lawyers, Lawyers, Lawyers...

Tort reform was supposed to provide the aviation world with a sigh of relief -- and we're still waiting. What today's lawyers can no-longer sue for, means little when there is so much more open territory left to harvest... and when the rules for today's suits work so much in their favor. The legal system is firmly out of control... No matter what you do, these days, it seems that there is always someone ready to sue you for it -- and in the process, they seem to have the legal wherewithal to do whatever they need to do to smear you in the process of getting ready to clean your clock.

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ANN Names The 'Heartbreakers' of 2007: #6--FAA v. The World

From the Heartbreaker's List #6: FAA v. The World

While no one ever expected that FAA was their 'friend...' no one expected them to take sides. And in 2007, the Federal Aviation Administration might as well have been called the Federal Airline Administration... especially with the revolving door of senior people who crossed over from 800 Independence Ave. to cushy jobs in the airline sector.

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Klyde Morris (01.07.08)

The REAL Reason For Missile-Defense On Airliners...

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$5 Million Committed By PA to Improve Aviation Facilities

Airport Users in Centre, Dauphin, Indiana, Philadelphia Counties Benefit

Governor Edward G. Rendell (pictured below) has announced investments by the state of Pennsylvania in its aviation infrastructure. The $5 million commitment will help four airports improve and expand terminals, runways and other airport facilities. Harrisburg International Airport received $2.2 million, University Park Airport in Centre County received $1.25 million, Philadelphia International Airport received $1 million, and Indiana County-Jimmy Stewart Airport received $550,000.

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IAM Urges US to Halt Tech Transfers to China

The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) is calling on the U.S. Department of Commerce to suspend a new program that allows companies in China to gain expedited access to sensitive U.S. aerospace technology, including telecommunication and composites technologies with potential military applications.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (01.07.08)


The International Cessna 120-140 Association is an all volunteer group of over 1,400 owners, pilots and others who share a common interest in restoring, maintaining and flying the Models 120, 140 and 140A aircraft manufactured by the Cessna Aircraft Company in 1946-1950.

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Aero-News: Quote Of The Day (01.07.08)

"It is naive to assume that relaxing export restrictions on sensitive aerospace technology does not represent a significant threat to U.S. jobs, companies and communities... It is equally naive to ignore the national security implications of such technology transfers to China."

Source: IAM International President Tom Buffenbarger. The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) has called on the U.S. Department of Commerce to suspend a new program that allows companies in China to gain expedited access to sensitive U.S. aerospace technology, including telecommunication and composites technologies with potential military applications.

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