Cyberhawk Awarded Coveted BVLOS Waiver | Aero-News Network
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Fri, Aug 23, 2024

Cyberhawk Awarded Coveted BVLOS Waiver

Grant Reduces Time and Costs For Inspections

Cyberhawk recently announced that it has been awarded a Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) waiver by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). This coveted grant expands the company’s capabilities for remote drone operations in the United States.

Cyberhawk is a drone-based inspection and data management software provider. They were founded in 2008 and since have built their own software system, titled iHawk. This cloud-based interface merges data from drones, satellites, helicopters, and IoT devices for simplified user management. The company also used UAS to conduct more than 200,000 industrial inspection flights and surveys in 40 countries worldwide.

Earning a BVLOS waiver from the FAA  is a lengthy and complex process. It requires extensive back-and-forth communication and demonstration of sufficient safety, planning, documentation, and risk management. Gaining FAA approval typically takes around 90 days, but may take longer depending on the complexity of the request.

With the BVLOS waiver in place, Cyberhawk has the ability to operate its drone fleet remotely. This means that the company can conduct drone inspection missions without having to stay within sight range of a visual observer.

"With the nationwide BVLOS waiver, we can potentially more than double the amount of surveyed assets collected in a day – saving our customers valuable time and costs,” explained Scott Lashmit, Aviation Manager of Cyberhawk U.S. “Getting actionable data and images quickly is paramount for our customers to arrive at clear, effective decisions ensuring the integrity and safety of critical infrastructure."

The authorization is a significant milestone for Cyberhawk, paving the way for additional safety and efficiency in their operations.

"This achievement underscores our commitment to innovation, safety, and excellence in the drone industry,” commented Phil Buchan, Chief Operating Officer of Cyberhawk.



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