ANN Preps For Its Most Expansive Oshkosh Coverage Yet | Aero-News Network
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Thu, Jul 14, 2011

ANN Preps For Its Most Expansive Oshkosh Coverage Yet

Be A Part of ANN's Annual Effort To 'OSHCast' The World!

Way, Way, WAY back in the dark ages of the Internet (like in the 1990s, man...), the folks who created the Aero-News Network were the first aviation news organization to post news and updates, every day, live from the grounds of Wittman Field and the Holy Land of Oshkosh. This was LONG before anyone else could even spell "World Wide Web" and well before any true competition arose to mimic our efforts to cover the greatest airshow on/over earth. Since then, we've done something amazing, EVERY YEAR, to raise the bar in terms of covering this event in new, exciting and intriguing ways... and this year we have a big update to share with you.

ANN and Aero-TV will be hosting an upgraded version of our amazing daily wrap-up at the end of the primary days of this year's show -- an effort that will serve as an extension of our soon-to-be introduced "Airborne" Aero-TV programming initiative. These extensive feature programs are designed to offer you SOLID, INDEPENDENT, EXPERT, IMPASSIONED coverage of the Oshkosh extravaganza... in great detail -- i.e., the good, the not-so-good and the truly remarkable. These programs will be hosted by a number of ANN's top Aviation Journalists as well as some popular and knowledgeable "Surprise Hosts" who will help us with those aspects of the programming that they are best suited for.

Each of the Airborne segments will first be webcast right from ANN's Oshkosh HQ, in the early evening of the day and then immediately uploaded for ready viewing and/or downloading to ANN's own Aero-TV site, YouTube and several other major online syndication partners. Please note that each program will be available, to those with the requisite bandwidth and net access in FULL HD. These archives will be maintained for years to come... and when you're slogging through the snow in 2025, we'll be around to show you how cool Oshkosh was in 2011.

It will be fun, exciting, fast-paced, interesting and totally devoted to covering the world of Oshkosh with the same innovative professionalism that we brought to the mix when we were the first to bring you daily online reports... or when we started bringing you the first daily audio programing from Oshkosh... or when we started bring you the first daily video programming from Oshkosh... and so many other "FIRSTS" ... each of which is now mimicked (and usually not all that well) by other organizations following our lead.

And now... just days after the webcasting of the amazing 1000th(!!!) video feature from the Aero-TV studios, we want to invite you to participate in the next big leap in ANN and Aero-TV coverage of this pivotal event. We're looking for your requests, your tips, your ideas and whatever you think ANN NEEDS TO COVER to make this year's coverage the very best yet.

Got OSHKOSH 2011 News For ANN???

We would like to invite you to submit your press materials and news packages to us prior to the event in order to allow our team to do as much advance preparation as possible and to get a feel for the stories that will be prominent this year. The sooner we get such data, the more we can do with it, and the more likely it is that you'll find yourself featured in a future ANN newscast, Audio Aero-Cast or Aero-TV Webcast.

Submissions are strongly encouraged by E-mail though postal "snail mail" is acceptable so long as it is received in our office ASAP. No aviation entity currently gets to as many people, every day, as ANN is doing now, so we encourage you to get in contact with us if you think you might have a story idea or a subject worth covering.

If you have any story ideas or suggestions as to how we might augment our coverage of this event, please be sure to bring it to our attention ASAP, so that we make the proper assignments for suitable stories.

ANN's Special Event coverage has been a distinguishing feature of our organization since DAY ONE. No one does as much with special coverage of aviation's pivotal events as ANN, and we continue to set the bar higher each time we tackle an event. It's a tough, exhausting, brutally intensive process -- and read by hundreds of thousands of Aero-News readers all over the world.

Of special interest, this year, is the ever-increasing presence of ANN's tremendously popular Aero-TV programming. As you may know, ANN introduced the aviation world to a sneak-peek at Aero-TV at AirVenture 2007 -- and the business hasn't been quite the same since (and even the copy-cats can't match the quality or quantity of our work). The very conservative 'beta' version of Aero-TV resulted in the production of dozens of Video Aero-Casts during the week long event and the shooting and production of dozens more -- while our work at Oshkosh 2008, 2009 and 2010 blew the doors off the business. Since then, OVER 1000 amazing programs have been presented... yet another record unequalled by ANY OTHER aviation news entity. No one presented as comprehensive or as expert a slate of NewMedia offerings at Oshkosh as did Aero-News and Aero-TV... and we're looking to treat OSHKOSH 2011 much the same way.

These Aero-Video products can be played on your laptop or PC as well as downloaded to a Video iPod, PDA (or other video device) for viewing at a later time. ANN's Aero-TV Aero-Casts are HIGH-QUALITY video products shot in HDV (no kidding, see for yourself at, and produced by expert aviation and video journalists. They feature excellent production values as well as exciting content and insight -- with an overall quality unmatched in the industry.

So… since ANN will be Aero-Casting LIVE from OSHKOSH 2011, and if you have news worthy of an Aero-Cast, we urge you to get in touch, RIGHT AWAY, with ANN's Jim Campbell, for possible consideration.

If you need any additional detail, feel free to contact ANN's Publisher, Jim Campbell, directly at Our main office number is 863-299-8680. ANN's cell number is 863-860-5790, though the toll-free 800-356-7767 number will forward to us when away from the office.

Here's what we'd like you to help us with:

  • Please send us (to
    • Your advance announcement, with as much background as you can provide us.
    • In the absence of an advance announcement, a mutually agreeable appointment or briefing time by which we can work with you, as early as possible, to get the requisite information on news you plan to release at OSHKOSH 2011!
    • Information as to the availability of B-Roll or other video footage... or your assistance in helping us gather same prior to the beginning of OSHKOSH 2011. Important breaking news may allow us to dispatch a mobile news team to your location to gather advance B-Roll and stock footage in order to properly prepare for the release of such news.
    • A photo, or photos (the more, the better -- .jpg preferred).
    • The requisite quotes from the responsible person in your organization or the chance to interview them for same.
    • The authorized release date (and specific time, in EDT, if time sensitive) of your submission.
    • Booth/display numbers/ID or other location information.
    • Name and number(s) of your contact person(s) (and cell number, if possible).


Want to Partner With ANN As An Oshkosh 2011 Sponsor???

We have aggressively packaged sponsor programs for you, and we are bound and determined to not only pull off some amazing coverage but to offer you the chance to get more out of your Oshkosh bucks than ever before. We have a limited amount of spots available for ANN's Airborne Oshkosh programming, and most of those are already committed to some of the folks that have supported us so well, year after year (thank you, thank you, THANK YOU)... but there IS room for new blood.

The programs offer tremendous coverage in our online news pages, Daily Newsletters, our Daily audio coverage and the rest of our Daily video programming. It's an amazing online/audio/video buffet of Oshkosh exposure and we proudly offer you what we consider to be one of the most aggressive and visible programs we've ever taken on.

We hope that you will give this program your consideration and should it spark your interest, that you'll let us know so that we can send the full programming outline to you ASAP for your inspection.

FMI: I Have Oshkosh 2011 NEWS For ANN!!!, I Want To Be An Oshkosh 2011 Stringer For ANN!!!, I Want To Help Sponsor ANN's Coverage of Oshkosh 2011!!!


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