Mon, Aug 25, 2003
"No, I DON'T Want To Rub Oil On You And A Friend. I Just Wanna
Go To Cleveland!"
There's only one word
for this. Oops.
United Airlines customers who responded by phone to a special
offer Tuesday accidentally ended up on a phone-sex line.
United ran the wrong number in full-page advertisements Tuesday
in The Denver Post and Rocky Mountain News,
Colorado's two largest newspapers. Those who called the toll-free
number were instructed to call another 1-800 number to reach the
"talk line."
There, they were greeted by the recorded voice of a woman who
clearly was not a United reservations employee. United spokeswoman
Chris Nardella said the company and its ad agency inadvertently
sent ads with the wrong number to the newspapers. The agency
hastily corrected the ads and ran them in Wednesday's editions.
The Denver Post reports the errant phone number also
appeared in promotional brochures United employees handed out at
Denver International Airport and in downtown Denver Tuesday. After
the company discovered the error early Tuesday morning, the number
was blacked out of the remaining brochures.
"We apologize for any
inconvenience this may have cost our customers," Nardella said. She
could not say how many customers contacted United to complain. The
glitch was an embarrassing if minor misstep for United as it
launched a sales blitz in Denver, its No. 2 hub city.
Inconvenience? We'll bet UAL's call volume spiked THAT
day... -eds.
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