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Tue, Mar 25, 2003

Help Find This Stolen Lycoming

Stolen From Buffalo (MN) on Sunday

We got a call from the police in Buffalo, Minnesota, early Monday morning, and they asked us if we could get the word out on a Lycoming O-360 that disappeared in the early morning of March 23. The engine still had the mineral oil in it  -- it's a brand-new overhaul.

It was on a GlaStar, tied down at the Buffalo airport. Oil lines were all disconnected with wrenches; the gas lines were the only things cut. The Vision MicroSystem EFIS wiring was also undamaged -- just stolen. The bushings (but not the engine mount) were also stolen.

The valve covers say, "AVCO" on them. This engine received a great rebuild; it even has the chromed cylinder bores.

It's either an A1A or an A4A -- they weren't sure -- but it has the "oil" (hollow) crank. Serial number is L19328-36A. The case S/N is 5372; and the carb is G-50-8666. Camshaft number is RA3818-28. It doesn't have a carb heat system; and the alternator is still at Bruce's, so the crooks will have to buy one...

Watch for it at 'fly markets!' There's a reward for this engine, too!

Also missing is an electric-pitch 3-bladed black (carbon) Ivo prop (72" diameter, Model 372), that's gonna need a pitch control switch.

Contact: Bruce Anderson (763-684-1981), or Detective Joseph Adams at the  Buffalo (MN) PD (763-682-5976, x 432); or call 911.


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