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May 14, 2024

Airborne-NextGen 05.14.24: 5293 Drone Record, Airbus Acquires, VA-1X UAS Accident

 Also: Axon Acquires Dedrone, 'Space Weather', SOCOM Goodies, Pivotal Awards

UVify is claiming a new Guinness World Record for the most unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) airborne simultaneously. This event took place in Songdo, Korea, where UVify orchestrated a display of 5,293 IFO drones that lit up the night sky. The fleet of IFO drones created intricate patterns and visuals above the crowd, showcasing UVify's programming and drone control technology. The record-breaking feat exceeded the previous record. Airbus has completed the acquisition of US-based Aerovel and its unmanned aerial system (UAS), Flexrotor. Flexrotor is a small tactical unmanned aerial system designed for intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition and reconnaiss

EAA Stresses Importance of Young Eagles Guidelines

Someone Must Have Screwed Up Somewhere, Because These Talkin'-To's are Rare!

The Young Eagles Program has been one of the Experimental Aviation Association's best tools in their repertoire when it comes to fostering a continued culture of aviation, but it doesn't come for cheap. The EAA has only been able to keep it running with the blessing of its insurers, which brings about all the usual restrictions underwriters require. While flying Young Eagles, pilots must complete their flights in daytime VFR conditions, retain full control over the aircraft throughout the flight, and refrain from any aerobatics, a rule that extends to even unusual attitudes and formation flights. 

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Sierra Space Repositions Dream Chaser for First Mission

With Testing Soon Complete, Launch Preparations Begin in Earnest

Sierra Space's Dream Chaser has been put through the wringer at NASA's Glenn Armstrong Test Facility in Ohio, but with testing passed, it will soon head down to its launch site in Florida. The Dream Chaser has been put through just about everything NASA can test it on, checking out its survivability and robustness to ensure it's ready for duty in the harsh environs of space. A 5-week campaign of shock testing helped to ensure the Dream Chaser and its connected cargo module, the Shooting Star, could remain connected even in the worst conditions. 

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Pratt & Whitney Earns CA TC For PW545D Engine

There Are Approximately 4,600 PW500 Series Engines In Service 

Pratt & Whitney Canada's PW545D engine is one step closer to entry into service with type certification granted May 9 by Transport Canada Civil Aviation. In May 2023, Textron Aviation announced its new Cessna Citation Ascend business jet would be powered by twin PW545D engines. "As the latest derivative in the PW500 engine family, we look forward to the Ascend's entry into service," said Cedric Gauthier, vice president, Sales and Marketing, General Aviation, Pratt & Whitney Canada.

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International Aeronautical Federation Announces Endurance Paramotor Championship

Endurance Format Highlights Airmanship, Skill, Planning, and Navigation

The FAI has announced the first event in a brand-new series of championship races geared towards paramotor pilots who want to stay aloft and take the long way home, with the first big event coming next August. The FAI World Endurance Paramotor Championships have their roots in Estonian pilot Papa Kolar's concept in 2010, where he envisioned a competition focused on extended airtime and strategic power management over strict speed.

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For Sale: Electric Ultralight, Never Flown

Unusual Offering Comes Across the Public Auction Block

The University of Wisconsin-Madison listed a surprising bit of public surplus in the form of an Aeromarine Electrolyte, a converted Zigolo ultralight that runs on pure battery power. The aircraft has evidently never been flown while in the University's care, despite some indication that the Zigolo type had been pressed into service with their Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. Back in 2018, the school had issued a short press release about a similar ultralight Zigolo MG12, expecting to press it into use with low-level atmospheric data gathering.

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Indiana Piper Crash Ruled Suicide by County

Student's Night Flight Cut Tragically Short

The NTSB's recent preliminary report on a Purdue Aviation PA-28 now hints that the 20-year-old student committed suicide. Last month, a Purdue Aviation Piper PA-28 took off from the school's home airport in Lafayette, Indiana for a local night flight. The student first finished some pattern work, completing 4 laps of practice landings before heading northwest to a less populated area. Once in that area, track data shows the student made numerous turns before the system stopped reporting. The crash site was found the next day, and isolated to begin the investigation. After recovering the wreckage and the pilot's remains, the study began. 

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FirstEnergy Shows Off New Infrared Vegetation Capability

Pipeline Patrols Easier Than Ever Thanks to Newfangled Tech

A power company in Ohio advertised its new fleet addition, a suite of infrared imaging equipment recently installed on its helicopters flying the lines. FirstEnergy has been forced to undertake patrols for years using nothing more than the standard-issue mark I eyeball, ensuring that vegetation had not grown to encumber their transmission lines. Pipeline patrol has traditionally worked that way - low-level overflight all along thousands of miles of wiring, close enough to distinguish overgrowth from canopy.

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Airborne 05.06.24: Gone West-Dick Rutan, ICON BK Update, SpaceX EVA Suit

Also: 1800th E-Jet, Uncle Sam Sues For Landing Gear, Embraer Ag Plane, Textron Parts

A friend of the family reported that Lt. Col. (Ret.) Richard Glenn Rutan flew west on Friday, May 3, 2024 at 7:08 PM PDT. The last time Dick Rutan flew towards the western horizon was on December 14, 1986 when he and copilot Jeana Yeager set the last great aviation record by flying around the world, nonstop and unrefueled, in nine days, three minutes and 44 seconds in an aircraft called 'Voyager.' designed by Burt Rutan. As we understand it, a 'stalking horse bidder' is the initial bid on a bankrupt company's assets from an interested buyer -- chosen by the bankrupt comp

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Airborne 05.06.24: Gone West-Dick Rutan, ICON BK Update, SpaceX EVA Suit

Also: 1800th E-Jet, Uncle Sam Sues For Landing Gear, Embraer Ag Plane, Textron Parts

A friend of the family reported that Lt. Col. (Ret.) Richard Glenn Rutan flew west on Friday, May 3, 2024 at 7:08 PM PDT. The last time Dick Rutan flew towards the western horizon was on December 14, 1986 when he and copilot Jeana Yeager set the last great aviation record by flying around the world, nonstop and unrefueled, in nine days, three minutes and 44 seconds in an aircraft called 'Voyager.' designed by Burt Rutan. As we understand it, a 'stalking horse bidder' is the initial bid on a bankrupt company's assets from an interested buyer -- chosen by the bankru

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Look Out Below! Gulfstream G600 Earns FAA Steep-Approach Cert

Can Fly 6,600 Nautical Miles At Mach 0.85 Or 5,600 NM At Mach 0.90

Gulfstream has announced that the G600 has been certified for steep approach to landing by the FAA, opening access to more airports around the world. The G600 has successfully demonstrated its steep-approach capabilities with low-speed handling and short-field landings at London City Airport in England and Lugano Airport in Switzerland. These challenging airports require steep-approach operations, as London City has a short runway and Lugano is located in the mouth of a valley.

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Airborne Affordable Flyers 05.02.24: Bobby Bailey, SPRG Report Cards, Skydive!

Also: WACO Kitchen Bails, French SportPlane Mfr to FL, Dynon-Advance Flight Systems, Innovation Preview

Bobby Bailey, a bit of a fixture in sport aviation circles for his work with the Bailey-Moyes Dragonfly (now in production with Pitman Air), has been lost in an aircraft test accident. Shortly after his appearance at SUN n FUN 2024, Bailey reportedly was asked to test fly a customer-built Dragonfly out of the Groveland airport in Florida... Recent investigations and a great deal of data has resulted in ANN’s SportPlane Resource Guide’s report card system having to deal with new and worrisome reports on a number of compan

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Classic Aero-TV: A Unique Amphibious Airframe--Updated Look At Super Petrel LS

From 2016 (YouTube Version): The Super Petrel LSA Is Here To Stay...

At the U.S. Sport Aviation Expo 2016, we learn that a biplane is not necessarily a piece of history from the golden age of aviation. ANN News Editor, Tom Patton, paid a visit to find out more about the Super Petrel, a modern amphibious biplane. In this video, Tom talks with David Kyrk, the Director of Sales and Marketing for Super Petrel USA. Kyrk tells us that the airplane has actually been around for about 20 years, and they have just opened a new production facility

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NTSB Preliminary Report: Raytheon Aircraft Company A36

Continued In The Left Turn, At About 200–300 Ft Above The Ground, For About 30 Seconds And Crashed Into The Top Of Mature Oak Trees

On May 2, 2024, about 0713 eastern daylight time, a Raytheon Aircraft Company A36 airplane, N629BE, was destroyed when it was involved in an accident near Augusta, Georgia. The private pilot was fatally injured. The airplane was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 personal flight. Initial Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) track data revealed that the flight departed runway 5 at Daniel Field Airport (DNL), Augusta, Georgia, at 0712, destined for Tweed/New Haven Airport (HVN), New Haven, Connecticut. The airplane proceeded on runway heading for about ½ nautical m

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (05.14.24)

Aero Linx: South Carolina Aviation Association (SCAA) SCAA actively promotes aviation growth through airport development and safety to meet the air transportation and economic development needs of South Carolina. The South Carolina Aviation association is South Carolina’s only state-affiliated group for aviation professionals and enthusiasts.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (05.14.24)

"The great thing about the new Endurance format is that it gives more airtime. Pilots who are travelling a long way to compete want to spend less time at the airfield and longer in the air. With the longer flight window, wider competition area and less pressure at take-off, it is attractive to a broader audience. Those who have flown it, have loved it." Source: FAI Event Director Barney Townsend, a 3-time veteran of the World Paramotor Championships, discussing the first event in a brand-new series of championship races geared towards paramotor pilots who want to stay aloft and take the long way home, with the first big event coming next August.

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