Chinese Companies Order Frasca FTDs | Aero-News Network
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Airborne Flt Training-12.05.24


Sun, Aug 30, 2015

Chinese Companies Order Frasca FTDs

Two Cessna 172 Level 5 Devices Ordered For Shandong Hairuio General Aviation

Shandong Hairuio General Aviation has placed an order through Lantech Engineering for two Cessna 172S Level 5 Flight Training Devices (FTDs). Lantech is Frasca's agent in China.

Shandong Hairuo General Aviation is a Part 91 general aviation operator, and an authorized sales representative and customer service facility for Cessna single-engine aircraft in China. It currently operates a fleet of four Skyhawks and is looking to provide Part 141 training for personal, commercial and airline pilot licenses.
Frasca also installed a CAAC Level 5 TruFlite R44/S300 convertible Flight Training Device (FTD) for Xilin Fengteng GA Corporation, Guanghang, Sichuan Province, China. The company is the largest helicopter corporation in the Southwest of China with twelve helicopters and 35 pilots and offers helicopter medical, business and training for PPL and CPL. The FTD will be used primarily for training in emergency situations.The FRASCA TruFlite R44FTD is a high fidelity simulator for the Robinson R44 & S300 helicopters. The cockpit will accurately replicate the R44 aircraft, including all panels, controls and instrumentation and will be convertible to an S300 configuration as well.

(File image provided by Frasca)



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