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March 10, 2024

NBAA Takes Umbrage With Biden's ‘Punitive Tax Treatment’

Job-Rich Corporations Very Law-Abiding, Despite Errant Politically-Charged Aspersions President Biden's State of the Union address ruffled feathers at the National Business Aviation Association, thanks to comments pointing to a crack down on one of his easier targets… those high-falootin' corporate jets. The Biden admin put out a press release following the speech, taking aim at "making big corporations pay their fair share in taxes." As part of that mission, they outline a tax plan that would raise the corporate tax rate to 28%, "crack down on tax avoidance by large multinationals and big pharma"...and "eliminate tax breaks for corporate jets".

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So… Is Starship Really Ready For A Third Test Launch… This Week?

The Upcoming Third Flight Test Is Set To Build On The Insights Gained From Previous Flights

SpaceX is gearing up for the third flight test of its Starship rocket, tentatively scheduled for March 14, pending regulatory approval. The aerospace giant has announced that a live webcast of the flight test will commence about 30 minutes prior to liftoff, available for viewing on X @SpaceX. Starship's second flight test marked several significant milestones and provided critical data for the continued rapid development of the spacecraft. Unlike conventional testing in a lab or on a test stand, these flight tests put the hardware in an actual flight environment to maximize learning.

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Allied Pilots Association Backs Age 65 Retirement Age

American Airlines Pilot Bargaining Agent Thinks 65 is Enough

Citing the hiring downturn throughout the domestic carrier industry, the Allied Pilots Association says it believes supply is "sufficient to meet forecast demand", so the mandatory Part 121 retirement age of 65 should not be changed. “The perceived pilot shortage is over, eliminating any further need for policymakers to consider changing the retirement age,” said APA President Ed Sicher. To further back up their position, the group quoted investor commenter TD Cowen, who said they "now believe the demand is fulfilled and expect hiring to normalize in 2024.”

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Ampaire Acquires Magpie Aviation

Electric Caravan Developer Snags Glider Company

Ampaire Incorporated, the firm behind efforts to 'electrify' the Cessna 208 Caravan, has acquired Magpie Aviation Inc, another electric aviation developer. Magpie's tech seems deceptively simple in the abstract, being based on "aerotowing", the simple act of using a tow aircraft to extend the range of shorter-legged aircraft. They have planned to make the most of a battery-powered, fully electric tow aircraft that would provide motive force to a connected cargo or commuter aircraft using hybrid or electric power, adding much greater range and endurance to early marks of "sustainable" aircraft. Ampaire was quick to demonstrate the idea, hooking up an electric glider to their electric "Eco Caravan

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Women Of Aviation Worldwide Celebrates Strides

Canadian Pilots Gaining Ground in Gender Breakdown

Women Of Aviation Worldwide celebrated the attainment of female licensure in the Canadian market after seeing it climb to 12% in 2023, with 6,354 female-identifying pilots issued by their domestic regulator, Transport Canada. The narrow majority of all Canadian licenses were recreational, with 52% coming in at the private pilot level. It's a first step towards future staffing, and a 58% uptick since 2010. 65% of those cards were sent to candidates between 20 and 39 years of age, leaving enough room in their lifetime to hopefully (or so the industry feels) pursue a career in the aviation scene.

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Army Testing Out Autonomous Cessna Caravan, Too

xWing Finds Footing Under Army Program Evaluating Uncrewed Cargo Craft

xWing has been advanced under the US Army's xTech SBIR Autonomy program, allowing them to show off their autonomous airlift and logistics capability using a modified C-208 Caravan. It gives a strong sense of deja vú to see yet another autonomous Caravan making waves in the industry, but it makes sense why: The C-208's legendary reliability, rugged landing gear, high payload, and affordable single-engine running costs make it a very solid prospect for drone conversion at this stage of the industry. xWing is no stranger to the scene, either, already a part of the USAF AFWERKS Autonomy Prime program.

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Classic Aero-TV: CubCrafter Attitude--Finding Solutions

From 2014 (YouTube Version): CubCrafters Is Growing... And In A 'Down' Industry -- Find Out How

While at EAA AirVenture 2014, ANN’s Michael Maya Charles stopped to talk with John Whitish, the Marketing Manager for CubCrafters. Charles started off with the comment that the CubCrafters product line seems to be expanding in a period of time that other facets of general aviation have been in the decline. Whitish replied that CubCrafters was in the right place at the right time in 2008 when they brought out their Carbon Cub. He said it proved to be the right product for the recreational market and they have continued to grow since

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NTSB Prelim: Bellanca 17-30A

...Was Airborne For Approximately 5 Minutes When It Experienced A Total Loss Of Engine Power At An Altitude Of 1,500 Ft MSL

On February 24, 2024, about 1000 eastern standard time, a Bellanca 17-30A, N282SV, was substantially damaged when it was involved in an accident near Cape Coral, Florida. The pilot was not injured. The airplane was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 personal flight. According to the pilot, the airplane departed from Pine Shadows Airpark (94FL), Fort Meyers, Florida, and was airborne for approximately 5 minutes when it experienced a total loss of engine power at an altitude of 1,500 ft msl.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (03.10.24)

Aero Linx: The Nebraska Aeronautics Commission

The Nebraska Aeronautics Commission was created by the 1945 Legislature to insure citizen input in the planning, design and operation of the state Aeronautics system. It currently acts as a liaison between the public and personnel of the Department of Transportation regarding aeronautics matters.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (03.11.24): Visual Climb Over Airport (VCOA)

Visual Climb Over Airport (VCOA) A departure option for an IFR aircraft, operating in visual meteorological conditions equal to or greater than the specified visibility and ceiling, to visually conduct climbing turns over the airport to the published “climb-to” altitude from which to proceed with the instrument portion of the departure. VCOA procedures are developed to avoid obstacles greater than 3 statute miles from the departure end of the runway as an alternative to complying with climb gradients greater than 200 feet per nautical mile. Pilots are responsible to advise ATC as early as possible of the intent to fly the VCOA option prior to departure. These textual procedures are publis

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (03.10.24): VFR-On-Top

VFR-On-Top ATC authorization for an IFR aircraft to operate in VFR conditions at any appropriate VFR altitude (as specified in 14 CFR and as restricted by ATC). A pilot receiving this authorization must comply with the VFR visibility, distance from cloud criteria, and the minimum IFR altitudes specified in 14 CFR Part 91. The use of this term does not relieve controllers of their responsibility to separate aircraft in Class B and Class C airspace or TRSAs as required by FAA Order JO 7110.65.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (03.10.24)

“Business aviation is an industry that is essential to America’s economy and transportation system. It supports jobs, connects communities, helps companies succeed and provides humanitarian lift in times of crisis. This is an industry that should be promoted, not pilloried.” Source: NBAA Boss, Ed Bolen, countering some of the anti-business, anti-job (anti-American?) political rhetoric spewed forth at the State of the Union address by the President.

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