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May 21, 2024

Vertical Aviation International Briefs Members on Eastern Market Lobbying

Construction Work Poses Risk to West 30th St Heliport

Vertical Aviation International Regional Rep Josh Rousseau briefed VAI members at the Eastern Regional Helicopter Council about the group's work on preserving infrastructure and airspace access throughout the often contentious New York City and New Jersey markets. One item of interest is the Gateway Project, a planned phased expansion of the Northeast Corridor rail line between NJ and NYC. That project would add new rail bridges and tunnels under the Hudson River, building on existing tunnel work from a century prior. The improvements should double rail passenger capacity throughout the Northeast US, rendering yet another challenge to aerial supremacy as the go-to for the high-falootin' of

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Casio Updates Gravitymaster Pilot Watch

Robust Adventure Piece Gets an Upgrade

While it seems to be a ride of passage for young pilots to snag one of many slide-rule pilot watches, those who want something ready for a more rough-and-tumble lifestyle tend to jump for something a little more robust like the Casio Gravitymaster, a design that has been updated with all the latest and greatest from the brand. Sure, it doesn't have the same busy, nearly inscrutable-for-old-eyes look of classics like the Navitimer, Skyhawk, or Flightmaster, but that's the point: Casio wanted to give travelers everything they'd actually use in a flight watch, and nothing they don't. Out is the tiny 1-inch E6b, and in comes a world clock, bluetooth connectivity, and a nigh impenetrable case of carbon fiber armor

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Hermeus Makes Headway on Mach 4 Aircraft

Eagle Engine Proves to Be a Capable Partner for Hypersonic Ambitions

Hypersonic startup Hermeus provided an update on their engine testing, describing some of the progress made on their F100 engine installation. The big deal lately has been integrating the Pratt & Whitney F100 into their 'Quarterhorse Mk 2', and understandably daunting issue given the excessive heat generated by pretty much every aspect of supersonic flight. Lately they've focused on cooling, developing a pre cooler to increase the max output of the F100 by chilling its pre-intake air. 

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WCA Announces Spring Scholarship Recipients

Growing Membership Leads to Increased Outreach for Women on the Corporate Side

Women in Corporate Aviation has announced the recipients of its Spring Scholarship Program, noting that they've had a record amount of applications in the last year. All in all, WCA saw more than 300 applicants for the scholarship, meaning the group also needed a record number of graders to assess just who was most deserving of the honors. Winners of the Spring 2024 scholarships run the gamut from piloting, maintenance, flight attendant, and regulatory themes, with a variety of amounts and donors. 

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EAA Chapter Hosts Successful Flying Start Day

Young Eagles Gives Blueprint for Recruiting Success

Chapter 534, a particularly active bunch under the EAA's umbrella, showed off a program best described as "Young Eagles, but for older pilots", showing the effects that a passionate group of enthusiasts can have on a community. The 'Flying Start Program' is designed to be a little introduction to the fun and breadth of flying, just as the Experimental Aviation Association's Young Eagles program is for the under-18 crowd. Flying Start lets adult participants do the same, try out the basics of flight and get a taste for joining the ranks of pilots the world over.

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ASA Updates Training Logs

Color Docs Help Keep Tabs in Student Progress (For a Small Price Tag)

ASA has updated its lineup to accommodate for the new Airman Certification Standards that go into effect on May 31st, providing refreshed Student Flight Records for Instrument and Commercial Airplane, as well as the same for Private, Instrument, and Commercial Helicopter ratings. The new documents include elements for fixed wing and helicopter operations. The first, Instrument Rating and Commercial Pilot Student Flight Record (SFR-IC7), complies with Airman Certification Standards (ACS) for Commercial Pilot Airplane (ACS-7B) and Instrument Rating Airplane (ACS-8C). 

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Airborne 05.13.24: DC-9 Jump Plane, Wag-Aero Sold, VA-1X AAIB Report

Also: 'Space Weather', USAF Rescue, Atlanta Warbirds, WestJet Encore Pilots Vote NO

The Perris SkyDive DC-9 is ALIVE! Following initial test flights and practice landings that were flown by a flight crew that had to be brought in all the way from Florida, the California DZ put the DC9 back in service and made at least three jump runs on Saturday, taking about 60 jumpers each to about 15K'. An interesting surprise occurred this week as Wag-Aero customers logged on to their site in order to order a few Wag-Aero. Instead, the site was redirected to Aircraft Spruce, which has apparently bought out the once popular Wag-Aero operations shortly afte

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Canada Breaks Ground on Victoria Airport Tower

First LEED-Certified Facility in the Works for 2027 Opening

Canada's air regulator NAV CANADA and the Airport Authority of Victoria Airport have announced the groundbreaking of their new control tower, which is expected to enter service in 2027. The final tower will sport a height of 90 feet and more than 8,500 square feet of floor space for operations, providing operators there a decided improvement in keeping the Victoria show running safely. The new tower will sport NAV CANADA's first 'Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design or LEED certification, thanks to drawing its power from local British Columbia Hydro. 

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NTSB Final Report: Rotorway 162F (A1); ELA ECLIPSE 10 (A2) (MidAir)

Event Coordinators Informed Pilots That 360° Turns In The Traffic Pattern Were Prohibited

Analysis: A gyroplane and helicopter collided midair while maneuvering for landing in day visual meteorological conditions. The aircraft were participating in a fly-in event that provided daily pilot briefings on flight operations and procedures. During the briefings, event coordinators informed pilots that 360° turns in the traffic pattern were prohibited. Flight track information, witness statements, videos, and damage to the aircraft indicated that the gyroplane impacted the left side of the helicopter while performing a prohibited 360° turn on the base leg of the visual approach.

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Classic Aero-TV: PS Engineering Double Threat--Ultimate GA Audio Panel Innovator

From 2016 (YouTube Version): Audio Panels Engineered for Pilots with Features that Make Sense…

At EAA AirVenture 2016, PS Engineering Inc. was talking about, and showing, their PMA450A and PMA8000G audio panels for aircraft. While audio panels started off as simply a box that allowed switching between a couple of radios, we are now a long way from that starting point. About the only thing these audio panels don’t do is start your morning coffee, and we’ll have to see if that shows up next year.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (05.21.24)

Aero Linx: KC-46A Pegasus

The KC-46A is the first phase in recapitalizing the U.S. Air Force's aging tanker fleet. With greater refueling, cargo and aeromedical evacuation capabilities compared to the KC-135, the KC-46A will provide aerial refueling support to Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps and partner-nation receivers.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (05.21.24): ACCAS

ACCAS (usually pronounced ACK-kis) - AltoCumulus CAStellanus; mid-level clouds (bases generally 8 to 15 thousand feet), of which at least a fraction of their upper parts show cumulus-type development. These clouds often are taller than they are wide, giving them a turret-shaped appearance. ACCAS clouds are a sign of instability aloft, and may precede the rapid development of thunderstorms.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (05.21.24)

"Airbreathing engines are critical to Hermeus' goal of operationalizing hypersonic aircraft. By making a full-range, air-breathing hypersonic engine, Hermeus is setting the stage for aircraft that are capable of taking off from a regular runway and accelerating up to hypersonic speeds. No rockets or motherships required."

Source: Hermeus Co-Founder and Chief Technologist, Glenn Case, as the Hypersonic startup Hermeus provided an update on their engine testing, describing some of the progress made

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