Wed, Apr 09, 2003
The National Air Transportation Association (NATA)
has announced that it will launch a new publication,
Aviation Business Journal, in July of
this year. The quarterly publication, which aims to provide NATA
members with business management information that will help them
run more effective and profitable aviation service businesses, will
initially be mailed to NATA's 2,000-plus members.
"For some time we have felt that there is a real need for a
business-oriented publication that would serve the specific
interests of our members," said NATA president James K. Coyne.
"Although Aviation Business Journal will include articles
covering topics of interest to all of our members -- FBOs, air
charter operators, repair stations, flight-training schools and
airline service companies -- a common editorial theme will explore
this question for every NATA member: 'How can I manage my business
to make it more profitable?'"
Feature articles in Aviation Business Journal will
explore issues pertaining to NATA members' five primary profit
centers: fuel and line services, aircraft charter and management,
aircraft maintenance, flight training and airline services, in
addition to global topics that pertain to all NATA members. Regular
columns in the Journal will cover safety and risk management,
marketing and sales, technology, safety and risk management,
operations, airport relations, human resources, finance and
technology issues, NATA member news, practical ideas that work, and
industry news and insights. Experienced aviation writers and
experts in particular business areas will author the articles.
Weekly E-News Continues...
Aviation Business Journal, combined with the weekly
electronic newsletter, NATA E-News, are replacing the
association's monthly newsletter, NATA News. Both
Aviation Business Journal and NATA E-News are
available free of charge to all NATA members. The final issue of
NATA News will be published in June.
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