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September 17, 2020

Airborne 09.14.20: Mooney Hit By Truck!, One Aviation BK Saga, Pawnee Dunked

Also: Bombardier Safety Standdown, New CAE Financing Initiative, AMA And Others Urge FAA, EASA 737 MAX Tests

An unfortunate Mooney was forced to execute a deadstick landing on an Eastbound lane of Florida's Interstate 75, Wednesday morning. A twitter post by FHP summed up the scenario... "A small airplane made an emergency landing on EB I75 (?? Alley) @ 40 mm. Once landed, a pickup truck collided with the left wing of the plane. Thankfully no injuries. The EB right lane of I75 remains closed at this time." An engine failure downed the M20R Mooney over Broward County. The 2007 M20R Ovation 3 GX, N120GX,

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (09.17.20)

Aero Linx: Texas Pilot's Association We Are... The TPA is a statewide nonprofit General Aviation (GA) organization of both pilots and non-pilots who are committed, first and foremost, to preserving and advancing GA in the great State of Texas, then the U.S., to be followed by the rest of the world, via forging relationships and supporting sister interest groups in their respective and relating domains... The passion for flight and aviation has no boundaries nor nationality! Education & Preparation... One of our primary goals continues to be: proactively encouraging and supporting education in all fields that cater to GA with emphasis -when possible- on traditional schooling programs from the earl

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (09.17.20): ICAO Three-Letter Designator (3LD)

ICAO Three−Letter Designator (3LD) An ICAO 3LD is an exclusive designator that, when used together with a flight number, becomes the aircraft call sign and provides distinct aircraft identification to air traffic control (ATC). ICAO approves 3LDs to enhance the safety and security of the air traffic system. An ICAO 3LD may be assigned to a company, agency, or organization and is used instead of the aircraft registration number for ATC operational and security purposes. An  ICAO 3LD is also used for aircraft identification in the flight plan and associated messages and can be used for domestic and international flights. A telephony associated with an ICAO 3LD is used for radio communic

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (09.17.20)

"Boeing’s design and development of the 737 MAX was marred by technical design failures, lack of transparency with both regulators and customers, and efforts to obfuscate information about the operation of the aircraft. During development of the 737 MAX, Boeing engineers raised safety concerns about MCAS being tied to a single AOA sensor. Another Boeing engineer raised concerns about not having a synthetic airspeed sensor on the 737 MAX. In the wake of the Lion Air and Ethiopian Airlines tragedies, Boeing has now acknowledged some of these issues by planning to have two AOA sensors feed into MCAS, for instance. In January 2020, despite the fact that Boeing’s internal directive for the 737 MAX program made crystal clear that nothing should jeopardize Level B non-simul

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