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May 20, 2020

Classic Aero-TV: THE Heavy-Lifting Helo - Kaman's K-Max at Heli-Expo 2017

From 2017: Kaman Revives The K-MAX Helicopter…

Kaman has revived the K-MAX helicopter, and delivered the first new production aircraft to a customer in April, 2017. Terry Fogarty, Director of Business Development for K-MAX Helicopter Programs at Kaman, told ANN CEO and Editor in Chief Jim Campbell at HAI in Dallas, TX earlier this year that when you think about a helicopter as a tool, he is continually surprised by the number of different missions suggested by customers for that tool. Such uses include humanitarian missions, powerline missions, and other things that were always on the periphery before,

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (05.20.20)

Aero Linx: The European Airshow Council The European Airshow Council consists of a group of like-minded people that meet each other annually and understand that everyone involved in Airshows should be striving to achieve standards of excellence in their activities. More than 10 years ago the Chairman started to bring people together and his main objective was to exchange ideas and to provide an opportunity to find a common purpose for people involved in Airshows, “because those who criticise are always on the same side of the (safety) rope”.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (05.20.20): IFR Military Training Routes (IR)

IFR Military Training Routes (IR) Routes used by the Department of Defense and associated Reserve and Air Guard units for the purpose of conducting low-altitude navigation and tactical training in both IFR and VFR weather conditions below 10,000 feet MSL at airspeeds in excess of 250 knots IAS.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (05.20.20)

"We are deeply saddened by the passing of Annie Glenn. A stalwart member of the space and military communities, her courageous support of her legendary husband John was unmatched. She provided an example for other women who followed to face the challenges of being part of our nation’s space program, and the stress of having spouses in combat. She stood steadfastly by her husband as he took to space once again as the oldest person to orbit Earth, even as she continued her own lifelong public service on behalf of children, the elderly, and the disabled. The Glenns dedication to each other is well known, and we looked to them as an unmatched example of the strength and compassion that a lifetime of devotion creates. She will be missed.” So

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