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August 23, 2019

Airborne 08.23.19: 'Starman' Intercept?, Paraglider, World Aerobatic

Also: Boeing 737 MAX Panel, FAA Warns Aboout AOA Sensors, Mission To Jupiter, Aviation Coalition

Earlier this week, we said somewhat tongue-in-cheek that Elon Musk might try to recover the Tesla Roadster that was launched aboard the first Falcon Heavy launch and put it back on the road. And while that might not happen, it appears that Musk is at least mulling a mission to take some photos of his car in space. Musk said on Twitter Sunday that SpaceX might launch a photo mission to catch up with the roadster and take some pictures of Starman. But he did not offer any more details about how such a mission would be completed. Italian paraglider Joachim Oberhauser has won the 16th FAI World Paragliding Championship after a nail-biting two-week-long competition in Krushevo, North Mace

SpaceX May Attempt To Intercept 'Starman'

Small Spacecraft Could Take Some Photos 'In A Few Years'

Earlier this week, we said somewhat tongue-in-cheek that Elon Musk might try to recover the Tesla Roadster that was launched aboard the first Falcon Heavy launch and put it back on the road. And while that might not happen, it appears that Musk is at least mulling a mission to take some photos of his car in space.

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CSF Files Comments On FAA Launch And Reentry Licensing Requirements

Says NPRM Lacks Adequate Clarity, Supporting Guidance Documents

The Commercial Spaceflight Federation has filed comments and recommendations to the FAA’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for streamlined launch and re-entry licensing requirements. And while the CSF appreciates the FAA's efforts to modernize its regulations, it sees potential issues with the NPRM as it is currently written.

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