Louisiana Governor Declares March ‘Aviation Appreciation Month’ | Aero-News Network
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Thu, Mar 27, 2014

Louisiana Governor Declares March ‘Aviation Appreciation Month’

National Aviation Organizations Commend Jindal For The Action

National aviation organizations are applauding Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal (R) for declaring March “Aviation Appreciation Month.” General aviation supports an economic impact of $2.05 billion to Louisiana, and over 7,900 jobs in the state.

“Governor Jindal (pictured) has helped raise awareness about the massive impact that this industry has in Louisiana and across the country,” said Selena Shilad, Executive Director of the Alliance for Aviation Across America (AAAA). “We extend our thanks to Governor Jindal for his proclamation.”

“Business aviation in Louisiana and across the country is important in maintaining a strong economy, creating jobs, and connecting suppliers with consumers,” said Ed Bolen, President and CEO of the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA). “We look forward to working with the Governor to highlight the importance of general aviation, which supports 1.2 million jobs and $150 billion in economic activity annually in the United States.”

“Louisiana’s network of general aviation airports connect communities, facilitate commerce, and ensure public safety,” said Kim Stevens, Interim President of the National Association of State Aviation Officials (NASAO). “We look forward to continuing to work with Governor Jindal and Brad Brandt, Aviation Director, to further general aviation and support those who rely on it.”

“We thank Governor Jindal for his proclamation, which brings much deserved recognition to general aviation, and Louisiana’s 62 public-use airports,” stated Jack Pelton, Chairman of the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA). “Proclamations such as this help to spur interest and passion in aviation, and we look forward to working with the Governor in the future.”

“Many of Louisiana’s businesses and critical services, including medical care, disaster relief, law enforcement and fire fighting rely heavily on the state’s general aviation industry,” said Thomas L. Hendricks, President and CEO of the National Air Transportation Association (NATA). “NATA and our member companies appreciate Governor Jindal’s proclamation and continued recognition of the importance of general aviation and the businesses it represents.”

"Louisiana, and especially New Orleans and the coastal areas, know very well the vital lifesaving role helicopters play in times of emergency and natural disaster," said Matt Zuccaro, president of the Helicopter Association International (HAI). "In addition, helicopters play a vital role in Louisiana's economy, supporting the offshore petroleum industry, and now the state will be the home of Bell Helicopter's Jet Ranger final assembly facility. We appreciate Governor Jindal's support for this important industry."

“Community airports and general aviation are an essential part of keeping communities connected and providing necessary health and safety services to Louisiana citizens,” stated Mark Baker, President and CEO of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA). “We thank Governor Jindal for once again acknowledging the importance of this industry.”

FMI: http://gov.louisiana.gov, Read the Proclamation


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