Aero-News Featured Aero-Casts For Wednesday 12.24.09 | Aero-News Network
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Thu, Dec 24, 2009

Aero-News Featured Aero-Casts For Wednesday 12.24.09

Looking Back At ANN's First Decade of 24/7/365 REALTIME News Services, Part III

In our look back at the first decade of Aero-News Network, ANN's Jim Campbell recalls 2004, the impact of the introduction of the Avidyne Entegra and Garmin G1000, and SpaceShipOne's victory in the Ansari X-Prize.

This feature is in addition to our daily news briefing -- available in either a quick "Touch And Go" format, or an expanded Aero-Briefing -- where you'll hear these stories:

A major provider of airline meals is teeming with cockroaches.

Balloon Boy's father is going to jail.

And Delta will stay hubbed at Hartsfield for at least another seven years.

...And more

ANN Daily Touch-And-Go: 12.24.09 (ANN's Short-Form Daily News Program)

ANN Daily Aero-Briefing: 12.24.09 (ANN's Long-Form Daily News Program)

ANN Special Feature: Ten Years of ANN, Part III - 12.24.09 (ANN Special Report, with ANN's Jim Campbell and Paul Plack -- discussing ANN's first ten years of 24/7/365 REALTIME ops)

Check them out, let us know what you think and be sure to keep those news-tips and program suggestions coming... ANN is ALL about what YOU want to know about in the world of aviation and aerospace.



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