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Airborne AffordableFlyers-12.12.24


Sat, Jun 07, 2003

SkyWest Airlines Reports May Traffic

Huge Jump In RPMs

SkyWest Airlines Friday reported a 37.3% increase in revenue passenger miles (RPMs) for May, while available seat miles (ASMs) increased 28.7 percent compared to the same period last year. The airline generated 335.1 million RPMs for the month, while ASMs increased to 464.1 million. Load factor increased 4.5 points to 72.2 percent compared to 67.7 percent for the same period last year. Passenger boardings for May totaled 860,751, a 23.8 percent increase over May 2002.

Last week, ANN reported Sky West was among the regional airlines seeing the first evidence of passenger resurgence in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, the Iraq War and SARS.

Flight Statistics

SkyWest Airlines May Traffic

                                             2003                   2002          Change

Passengers                             860,751                 695,313       23.8
Revenue Passenger Miles   335,104,777          244,077,899       37.3
Available Seat Miles           464,067,520         360,555,630        28.7
Load Factor                                72.2%                  67.7%        4.5 pts

Calendar Year-To-Date

                                             2003                   2002          Change

Passengers                             3,907,052         3,222,544         21.2
Revenue Passenger Miles   1,530,879,084   1,106,962,708        38.3
Available Seat Miles           2,215,670,200   1,672,807,250        32.5
Load Factor                                   69.1%              66.2%         2.9 pts



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