Premier Turbines Named M601 and H80 Designated Repair Center | Aero-News Network
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Airborne AffordableFlyers-12.12.24


Wed, Dec 09, 2009

Premier Turbines Named M601 and H80 Designated Repair Center

Exclusive Agreement For GE Aviation Engine Service

GE Aviation says it has selected Premier Turbines in Neosho, Missouri as its Designated Repair Center in North and South Americas for M601 and H80 turboprop engines.

As part of an exclusive agreement, Premier Turbines will offer heavy repair services, exchange engines and rentals, line replacement unit rotable pools and field service support to all existing and future M601 and H80 engines in the Americas region. GE Aviation will provide the necessary OEM parts to meet Premier Turbines' needs. Premier Turbines will be ready to accept M601 engines for repair in the first quarter of 2010.
"GE chose Premier Turbines based on its strong commitment to customer support and quality as well as its extensive experience providing repair services for turbine engines," said Brad Mottier, vice president and general manager of Business & General Aviation at GE Aviation. "This designation will further expand GE's service and support offerings for M601 operators and future H80 engine operators."

M601 Engine

Last year, GE Aviation began offering M601 operators around-the-clock customer support through its Business Jet Operations Center. The Business Jet Operations Center is staffed with customer product technicians who can provide a rapid response to needs, such as parts availability, trouble-shooting and field issues. M601 engines are overhauled at GE Aviation Czech's facility in Prague.



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