AIA Asks Obama For Export Reform | Aero-News Network
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Sun, Dec 06, 2009

AIA Asks Obama For Export Reform

CEOs Suggest UAS As One Of Five Areas Of Focus For Interagency Review Panel

In August the President announced the formation of an interagency export control system review led by the National Security Council and National Economic Council. This week AIA sent a letter identifying five areas of reform, signed by more than 100 chief executive officers of member organizations.

The areas of recommendation include: the U.S. Munitions List, the commodity jurisdiction process, caseload management, Defense Department decision making on technology release, and treatment of UAS in the multilateral Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR).

"We have long advocated for a more predictable, efficient and transparent technology control regime that advances our national security interests," the AIA letter states. "An effective export control system must safeguard critical technologies, as well as facilitate collaboration with our closest allies and international partners."

Reuters reports the current pact restricts the sale of UAS to certain countries on national security grounds. "It's not only unnecessary but dangerous for us to fiddle with the MTCR restriction," retired Pentagon official Richard Speier told the service. 



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