Aero-Views: Dropping The Holy Hand Grenade | Aero-News Network
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Tue, Nov 30, 2004

Aero-Views: Dropping The Holy Hand Grenade

ANN's Position On Politics: We Take No Position

You've heard it before. Someone walks into a room and drops a controversial topic on the conversation like a "holy hand grenade" with a short fuse.

Yeah, it's sort of like that.

See, we figure part of the job description here at Aero-News is to provoke thought and conversation. Why waste such a mandate on small talk?

When we drop a conversational bomb, we generally title the story "Aero-Views." That's your clue the story isn't a news item -- it's opinion. Aero-Views are generated by our staff, but also by guests. In fact, here's your open invitation: Any time you see something on the ANN site that provokes thought and makes you want to shout out (in joy or otherwise,) we hope you'll drop us an email stating your views on the subject. If you'll include your contact information, we'll consider it for publication under the Aero-Views banner.

One more thing...

To clear up what may have been a question forming in the back of your mind, we are not Republicans. We are not Democrats. We are pilots. Between the electronic pages of this publication, our interest is the non-partisan promotion and welfare of aviation and aerospace. There is, however, an intersection between aviation and politics -- aviation policy. We reserve the right to comment freely on those and other issues. But our opinions are driven by our abiding interest in aviation, not which party is running the country.

Please, drop us a line. We're anxious to hear from you.



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