Arlington's 2003 Fly-In May Henceforth Be Known As The 'Perfect Fly-In' | Aero-News Network
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Sun, Jul 13, 2003

Arlington's 2003 Fly-In May Henceforth Be Known As The 'Perfect Fly-In'

You've heard it from us before, but the 2003 rendition of the NWEAA Arlington Fly-In has been about as picture perfect as a fly-in can be. While airshows all over the country are bemoaning lower attendance stats (especially Sun 'n Fun, which looked like it REALLY tanked this year), there is no question that Arlington is poised to declare an all-time record.

Good for them... they deserve it.


Well, we could always credit the weather, but that would be giving short shrift to the real nature of what makes Arlington, the "Friendly Fly-In."

Simply put, the staff and management of the NWEAA Arlington Fly-In understand that they have to serve the public to deserve their support. The fly-in is well-organized, very friendly, packed with interesting things to do and see, and solely interested in providing a good time to the folks who pay an unusually reasonable gate-fee to indulge in some aerial whimsy for a day or five. The staff is unusually well-qualified, the volunteers even more unusually well-prepared and motivated, and the whole attitude screams, "we cop no attitudes, we just want to have fun with ya'll."

Ya gotta love it... and that's why we still believe that Arlington is the best darned little fly-in the whole wide aero-world.

Nuff Said... Let's Talk Specifics

The Wright Flyer Simulator drew a big crowd... and lots of laughs as pilot after pilot tried to fly it and wound up plowing way too much real estate in the process. How did the Wrights do it?

Fly-In Director Jim Scott has lots to be happy about... a very successful fly-in and his recent marriage to a beautiful lady who loves airplanes. Some guys have all the luck!

One of the most recognizable sights at Arlington are the constant fly-bys conducted by a group of RV builder/flyers who have devoted extraordinary time and resources to perfecting large scale formation flight. These guys are incredibly good and should give every sport flyer a reason to be proud to be a part of this community.

The four-place GA market is filled with highly accomplished airframes... especially lately. But this is one view that only a Diamond Flyer can give to those who fly along. That BIG rear door makes the entry and exit process such a joy, that it's a much mentioned feature among those who fly the cost-effective Diamond four seater.

One very popular display was the replica of the 1930 Bellanca Long Distance special Model J, known as "Miss Veedol." The replica was reverse-engineered from borrowed parts of the original aircraft without the use of construction drawings or plans. This extraordinary replica was built by EAA Chapter 424.

I-K Technologies has introduced their new AIM family of Aircraft Information Monitors. This is the AIM-2, about which the I-K Tech folks  say, "If analog information is your thing, this is the choice for you."
The compact, 'all in one' AIM-2 features bright, color-coded, vertical LED bargraphs that allow for rapid scanning, comparison and instant recognition of normal (green), cautionary (yellow) or warning (red) conditions.

On our rounds of the NWEAA Fly-In, we learned that Classic Aero Designs offers an interior kit for the popular RV-7 and RV-9 aircraft. Each kit includes 2 seat cushions, 2 backrest cushions, stick boots, and 4 bolster cushions for height adjustment. Seat cushions have 2 layers of confor foam for extra comfort on long flights, and come complete with velcro and AN hardware for installation. 

Among the many better acts seen at the NWEAA Fly-In were the wild (and we DO mean 'wild'), was the routine flown by Eric Beard and his Yak 54. An unusual bird on the show circuit, the AnywhereMap sponsored Yak really hauls around the sky with serious maneuverability and a GREAT radial engine roar provided by a Russkie M-14P.


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