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September 18, 2022

Florida to Host 2022 MultiGP Drone Racing Championships

The Swiftness of the Still

The 2022 MultiGP Drone Racing Championship will be held from 18 through 23 October at the No Quarter Ranch drone field in Citrus Springs, Florida. The event’s Sport Class championship will take place 18 and 19 October with the 20th held in reserve as a rain delay day. The Pro Class event will commence on 20 October and conclude in grand fashion on 22 October—with the 23rd held in reserve as a rain day. The final date on which event tickets may be purchased is Friday, 14 October 2022.

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NTSB and U.S. Navy to Recover Turbine Otter Wreckage from Puget Sound

Investigation of Deadly 04 September Accident Ongoing

The National Transportation Safety Board and the U.S. Navy will attempt to recover the wreckage of a floatplane that went down off the coast of  Whidbey Island in Washington State’s Puget Sound. The investigation of the 04 September accident—which claimed the lives of nine passengers and veteran pilot Jason Winters—is ongoing, as are preparations for the recovery of the lost aircraft, a 1967 de Havilland DHC-3 Otter, registration N725TH. The recovery effort—which is to commence on 26 September—will see the U.S. Navy endeavor to raise the aircraft from approximately 190-feet of cold, turbid water by means of a crane, a barge, and

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Brazilian Armed Forces Acquire H125 Helicopters

New Machines to Support Air Force and Navy Operations

On 16 September 2022, Brazil’s armed forces—through the nation’s Combat Aircraft Program Coordinating Committee (COPAC)—acquired 27 H125 helicopters for purpose of bettering the volume and quality of the rotary-wing training undertaken by the Brazilian Air Force and Navy. The H125 will be produced by Airbus Helicopters’ Brazilian subsidiary Helibras at the company’s facility in Itajubá.

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Greece Takes Delivery of Upgraded F-16s

Hellenic Air Force Readies for Turkish Aggression

Following years of financial crisis and forced savings, Greece has embarked on a multi-billion-dollar modernization of its armed forces—primarily to counter the burgeoning Turkish threat. In addition to French Rafale fighter jets and FDI frigates, the Greek government is upgrading 83 of its legacy F-16 fighters to the Block 72 Viper variant—the most advanced version of General Dynamics’ timeless fighter in service in Europe.

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Klyde Morris (09.16.22)

Klyde Understands that Local Traffic is A Heckuva Motivator...


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Classic Aero-TV: AIA's Audrey Koehler -- Launching Our Next Generation (Part 1)

From 2010 (YouTube Version): Recrafting The Future of Aerospace

Recent publications from the Aerospace Industries Association note that, "America’s requirement for workers who are well educated in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) is falling far short of anticipated need. Trends are discouraging, and interest is lacking among American youth. We simply aren’t producing enough engineers and non-engineering technical workers, such as hands-on manufacturing labor. Without dramatic change, these needs wil

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OK Aeronautics Commission Approves Airport Projects

Tulsa Riverside to see Runway 19R/1L Reconstruction Alongside 2 More Airports Set for Improvements

The Oklahoma Aeronautics Commission has approved 3 projects as a part of their Airport Construction Program, hoping to bolster the aeronautical industry of the region. The Commission approved a state loan for the project, first approving what will be the addition of facilities at Ardmore Municipal Airport. The funds will allow them to construct a 120’x120’ box hangar to house the airport’s growing customer base of parked aircraft, adding room for small aviation businesses and a flight school.

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Dymond Aerospace Inks Deal for Rim-Driven Hydrogen Motors

Alternative Motor Design to Power Uncrewed Cargo Jet, Retrofitted Legacy Aircraft

Duxion Motors has signed an MOU with Dymond Aerospace that will supply 200 of their eJet motors for use in Dymond's uncrewed cargo aircraft. Under the deal, Duxion will supply 20 eJet motors per year for a decade, eventually totaling $500 million Canadian dollars as deliveries continue through 2036. The Duxion motor was chosen for its proprietary rim-driven design to allow for an improved power to weight ratio compared to traditional shaft-driven turbines.

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NTSB Prelim: Cessna 182Q

Witness Stated That The Airplane “Did Not Sound Right.”

On August 9, 2022, at 1250 mountain daylight time, a Cessna 182Q, N727PC, was destroyed when it was in involved in an accident near Centennial, Colorado. The pilot was fatally injured. The airplane was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 flight. The airplane owner stated that he did not know why the pilot was flying the airplane and that the pilot had been checked out in the airplane. A flight instructor, who had flown with the pilot for purposes of an airplane checkout, stated that the pilot had not completed an airplane checkout and that the planned checkout had a five-hour flight duration.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (09.18.22)

Aero Linx: Austro Control There are as many as 4,000 controlled flights in Austrian airspace on some days, often at altitudes of 10,000 metres or more. Few would suspect how much painstaking and stressful work on the ground goes into managing these traffic flows safely and efficiently ? from the moment when an aircraft’s engines are started up through to the point when it leaves Austrian airspace. Aided by state-of-the-art technology, our air traffic controllers bring planes into the right airways and ensure that they keep their distance from others. Around the clock, 365 days a year. More than 1 million flight movements in Austrian airspace are being handled by Austro Control each year.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (09.18.22): Marker Beacon

Marker Beacon An electronic navigation facility transmitting a 75 MHz vertical fan or boneshaped radiation pattern. Marker beacons are identified by their modulation frequency and keying code, and when received by compatible airborne equipment, indicate to the pilot, both aurally and visually, that he/she is passing over the facility.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (09.18.22)

"This joint procurement contract represents the realization of a project that will equip both the Brazilian Air Force and Navy with modern aircraft that will meet the needs of the Forces for the next thirty-years.” Source: Lieutenant Brigadier Carlos de Almeida Baptista Junior, Commander of Brazil’s Air Force, commenting as Brazil’s armed forces—through the nation’s Combat Aircraft Program Coordinating Committee (COPAC)—acquired 27 H125 helicopters for purpose of bettering the volume and quality of the rotary-wing training undertaken by the Brazilian Air Force and Navy.

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