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December 22, 2021

Dynon Obtains Bonanza 36 Autopilot Certification

Expansion, Mounting Systems, Skyview HDX Resume Delivery 

Good news for Beechcraft Bonanza owners comes just in time, as the Model 36 series autopilot has been approved. Previously paused deliveries of Dynon Certified SkyView HDX displays can now resume immediately, equipped with the newest v16.0 software and most up-to-date hardware. The autopilot is certified for all model 36, A36, and B36 Bonanzas, or available as an option for its SkyView HDX avionic system. The system features a 3-axis autopilot system, yaw dampening, and approach coupling with compatible third party IFR avionics. Pricing for the more affordable 2-axis autopilot system starts at $4,715 for the model 36 Bonanza, which includes all required brackets, hardware, an

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Airborne 12.15.21: Privateer v FAA, BGen Charles McGee, Kentucky CAP

Also: Jetblue Diversifies, PWI's Ice Light, AA Scales Back, Titan’s T-51

The Privateer Amphibian, a clean-sheet design made to improve amphibious aircraft, has seen delays in its flight testing program owing to a number of bureaucratic requirements and agency decisions that have led to an exasperated crew and increasing costs of compliance for the fledgling company. The Amphibian is the result of inventor John Meekins' quest to purchase a modern seaplane. Joint Base San Antonio, Texas held an event as part of its year-long celebrations for the Air Force's 75th Anniversary, congratulating former Tuskegee Airman Brigadier General Charles E. McGee o

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Aeronautical Repair Station Association Takes FAA to Task

Disputes Agency Authority Over Personal Parachute Airworthiness Directives

The ARSA updated their membership on their disagreement with the FAA over the agency’s authority for issuance of airworthiness directives concerning man-portable parachutes not installed in any aircraft. The agency, according to ARSA, should only be able to legally enforce their AD’s regarding aircraft and their engines, propellers, and appliances, over which they requested  clarification in July 2021. On December 3, ARSA requested the assistance of the Department of Transportation's Office of General Counsel, since the FAA had “refused to consider the substantive question of its authority to issue an AD against a parachute”.

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Feds Putting The Screws to Bad Travel Behavior

FAA-Fined Unruly Passengers to Lose TSA PreCheck

Yeah... this was just a matter of time... Unruly airline passengers may face additional consequences for bad behavior under a new partnership between the TSA and FAA. Under the partnership, the FAA will share information of passengers facing fines for unruly behavior with TSA who may remove the passenger from TSA PreCheck screening eligibility, which is a privilege reserved for low-risk travelers. “TSA has zero tolerance for the unruly behaviors, especially those involving physical assault occurring aboard aircraft. We have tremendous respect for airport staff, gate agents and flight crews that get people safely to their destinations,” said TSA Administrator David Pekoske.

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Gulfstream G700 Takes Sustainable Test Flight

83% Jet/SAF Blend Successfully Function Tested, with Promising Results

Gulfstream's continued development of its upcoming G700 has achieved a sustainability milestone, completing its first flight on a sustainable fuel blend featuring 83% renewably sourced JetA alternatives. The test plane completed a flight from its Savannah, Georgia home evaluating its performance on more environmentally friendly fuel options. The exact source was undisclosed, but is assumed to have been provided by Gulfstream's contracted SAF provider, World Energy. Their sustainable fuel boasts a 60% smaller carbon footprint than conventional fuel. Testing the viability of SAF with the G700 represents the latest in hundreds of SAF-JET A blend flights conduct

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It's a Deal... Sun Country Pilots Ratify Tentative Agreement on New Contract

Reached Agreement Only Seven Months After Officially Opening Contract Negotiations

Sun Country Airlines pilots, represented by ALPA, have announced they have overwhelmingly ratified a tentative agreement with the Company on a four-year contract. With nearly 92 percent of eligible pilots participating, 93 percent voted to ratify the agreement, which brings the pilots’ pay rates, retirement contributions, commuter policies, and work rules in line with their peers. “We are proud of this contract that reflects the work we’ve done and contributions we’ve made to help the airline grow,” said Sun Country Airlines ALPA Master Executive Council chair Capt. Brian Lethert.

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Classic Aero-TV At SnF21: Piper Aircraft’s New Boss Speaks Up

John Calcagno and Buddy Sessoms Talk M600, HALO, 100i and the Seminole!

Piper’s John Calcagno, an Air Force veteran, came to Sun ‘n Fun just after being appointed CEO after serving for a number of years in Senior roles with Piper Aircraft. The primary topic, right from the get-go, was the Piper M line... starting with the very successful M600 single-engine turboprop as well as the M500, and the M350 pressurized single. Piper’s Chief technologist, Buddy Sessoms, also spoke up about the future of the M line and the recent addition of the HALO autoland system... versus other airframes that depend on a

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Dickson Updates Commercial Balloon Pilot Requirements

Public Comments Requested on Commercial Medical Requirement by January 18th 

FAA Administrator Steve Dickson addressed the commercial balloon industry in a short video statement, requesting public comments on the agency's proposed rules on medical certification. If finalized, the change would see that pilots operating a hot-air-balloon for hire will be required to hold second class medical certificates much like their counterparts in fixed or rotary-wing aircraft. "When it comes to safety, the public doesn't distinguish between those who go above and beyond the rules, and those who do the bare minimum. Or unfortunately sometimes, even less than that,” said Dickson.

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AD: Piper Aircraft, Inc. Airplanes

AD 2021-25-11 Retains The Actions Of AD 78-02-03...

The FAA is superseding Airworthiness Directive (AD) 78-02-03, which applied to all Piper Aircraft, Inc. (Piper) Model PA-23-250 airplanes. AD 78-02-03 required repetitively inspecting the stabilator tip tube and weight assemblies for cracks, inspecting for missing rivets and screws, replacing the forward rib/horn assemblies, and reinforcing the mounting. Since AD 78-02-03 was issued, Piper developed a newly-designed stabilator, which is not subject to the unsafe condition, and revised its service information. This AD retains the actions of AD 78-02-03, but reduces the applicability and requires the actions in the revised service information. The FAA is issuing this AD to address the unsafe condit

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AD: Pilatus Aircraft Ltd. Airplanes

AD 2021-24-22 Requires Inspecting And Modifying The Rudder, Elevator, And Right-Hand (RH) Aileron Hinge Bolt

The FAA is superseding Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2012-06-16, which applied to all Pilatus Aircraft Ltd. (Pilatus) Model PC-6, PC-6-H1, PC-6-H2, PC-6/350, PC-6/350-H1, PC6/350-H2, PC-6/A, PC-6/A-H1, PC-6/A-H2, PC-6/B-H2, PC-6/B1-H2, PC-6/B2-H2, PC-6/B2-H4, PC-6/C-H2, and PC-6/C1-H2 airplanes. AD 2012-06-16 required installing a new rudder and elevator locking screw and modifying the installation of the rudder and elevator hinge bolt. Since the FAA issued AD 2012-06-16, the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) superseded its mandatory continuing airworthiness information (MCAI) to correct an unsafe condition on these products. This

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (12.22.21)

Aero Linx: Airports Council International (ACI) Airports Council International (ACI) represents the collective interests of airports around the world to promote excellence in the aviation industry. We do this by working with governments, regional ACI members, experts, and international organizations like ICAO to develop policies, programs, and best practices that advance airport standards globally.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (12.22.21): Radio Magnetic Indicator

Radio Magnetic Indicator An aircraft navigational instrument coupled with a gyro compass or similar compass that indicates the direction of a selected NAVAID and indicates bearing with respect to the heading of the aircraft.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (12.22.21)

“TSA has zero tolerance for the unruly behaviors, especially those involving physical assault occurring aboard aircraft. We have tremendous respect for airport staff, gate agents and flight crews that get people safely to their destinations. This partnership with FAA will help ensure the safety and security of all passengers and hold those who violate federal regulations accountable for their actions.” Source: TSA Administrator David Pekoske, explaining why unruly airline passengers may face additional consequences for bad behavior under a new partnership between the TSA and FAA. Under a partnership, the FAA will share information of passengers facing fines for unruly behavior with TSA who may remove the passenger from TSA PreC

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