Boca Raton Flight School Expands Into Orlando, FL | Aero-News Network
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Sun, Nov 20, 2016

Boca Raton Flight School Expands Into Orlando, FL

Beach Aviation Academy Opens New Location In Central Florida

A Boca Raton-based flight school has recently expanded its operation, opening a new location at central Florida's Orlando Executive Airport (KORL).

In considering the expansion of Beach Aviation Academy, owner and managing partner Capt. Charles Brady looked to population growth, a reliable and talented workforce; and business opportunities. The Orlando metro population is now listed at 2,387,138, according to the Census Bureau. The region added more than 60,000 net new residents in the 12-month period ending July 1, 2016: a growth rate of 2.6 percent.

The Orlando Economic Development Commission noted that Orlando’s population growth –for the past six years—amounts to increase of 138 people per day. The growth has been fueled mostly by domestic migration, at 40 percent, with another 34 percent due to international migration, and 24 percent from natural increase.

Additionally, as first reported in "The Orlando Sentinel" a large flight school had gone out of business and students had lost money paid and Flight Instructors were owed wages and out of a job. Brady and Dr. James Eddy, his step-father and one of the family partners, both pilots, decided to accelerate plans for expansion to serve the needs of the students and hire some of the instructors.

"We are pleased we made the move to Orlando, the students we have are wonderful people and our instructors are true professionals who proudly represent the values and traditions of our Boca Raton, Florida and Nassau, The Bahamas based flight crew," Brady said.

(Source: Beach Aviation news release)



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