Tue, May 11, 2010
Wins Award For Runway Design, And Tapped As Top Aviation CBP
The Southeast Chapter of the American Association of Airport
Executives recently announced that the St. Lucie County
International Airport (KFPR) has earned the Southeastern U.S.
Airport's General Aviation Airport Project of the Year Award for
the design of the new runway 10L-28R. The announcement was
made at the Southeast Chapter's annual awards luncheon held on
April 20 in Memphis, TN.
The project, consisting of a new 4,000-foot parallel runway, was
located in a 161-acre highly wooded and wetland-laden area, which
posed many challenges and involved a lengthy environmental and
permitting process. During the course of the project, the airport
staff worked closely with general engineering consultant PBS&J,
project contractor Dickerson Florida Inc., and the county's
Environmental Resources Department in maintaining environmental
integrity through close coordination with oversight agencies and
attention to mitigation diligence. Ultimately, creative thinking,
disciplined coordination, and strict attention to time, budget, and
quality resulted in a successful project that was recognized from
among all Southeastern U.S. General Aviation Airports.
The award represents a significant achievement by St. Lucie
County, and reflects staff's, PBS&J's and Dickerson's
commitment to meeting the highest principles of project management,
environmental stewardship, and agency coordination culminating into
a successful project completion.
In addition, the airport's U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Facility (CBP) has been selected as the top aviation-related U.S.
Customs and Border Protection Facility from a survey recently
conducted by FltPlan.com for their 2010 Pilots' Choice Awards.
St. Lucie County airport's customs facility received the top
ranking out of 170 CBP facilities listed nationwide. The top 10
list also included three other Florida airports: Palm Beach
International, Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood and Fort Lauderdale
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