Precious Cargo: C-47 'That’s All Brother' Carried Two Flags To Oshkosh | Aero-News Network
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Airborne-Affordable Flyers-09.06.24

Wed, Aug 04, 2021

Precious Cargo: C-47 'That’s All Brother' Carried Two Flags To Oshkosh

A Singular Honor Undertaken by Storied C-47

This month, the Commemorative Air Force’s D-Day C-47 'That’s All, Brother' was selected to carry two important flags into Oshkosh, Wisconsin for EAA AirVenture.

'Two Flags' is a group that selected notable aircraft and notable aircrew to transport two flags, one U.S. Flag and one Wisconsin Flag aboard to bring additional interest to aviation and honor Wisconsin Veterans.

The flags have been in circulation for several years and have flown aboard DC-3s to B-52s to a U-2 in which they went up to 70,000 feet. The flags have also flown with Vice Presidents, Governors, and active members of the U.S. military. In 2020, some of the missions included traveling on the USS Ronald Reagan often flying on an F-18 Hornet, traveling in Hawaii flying on helicopters touring Pearl Harbor sites, and flying out of Washington state on an F-18G Growler.

For each “mission” aircrews are asked to take photos and talk about what they do and how they got started in aviation. Eventually, these stories will be compiled and posted online at for viewers to learn more about the vast opportunities in aviation and read the personal stories of how people became inspired to take the first step towards flying.



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