NJ Lawmakers Put The Brakes On Background Check Bill | Aero-News Network
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Airborne Flt Training-12.05.24


Tue, Feb 03, 2004

NJ Lawmakers Put The Brakes On Background Check Bill

AOPA Helps Stall Legislation

AOPA's lobbying effort against pilot background checks has paid off, as New Jersey lawmakers decided to put off such a bill scheduled for debate. 

A key staff member of the state senate's Transportation Committee said at a meeting with AOPA representatives last week that lawmakers are unlikely to take up the bill (S.B. 148) at this time, due mostly to AOPA's repeated assurances that dramatic improvements in GA security and existing federal safeguards make the state legislation unnecessary.

In the meeting, AOPA outlined the federal government actions implemented to address security concerns, including recent modifications to checks of non-U.S. citizens seeking flight training. The transportation aide indicated that the legislation is not now scheduled for consideration. More importantly, he said that New Jersey legislators are now aware of the federal preemption issues AOPA had raised.

AOPA's Vice President of Regional Affairs Roger Cohen credits the team effort of Leavens and the ASN volunteers and AOPA members in helping to deliver that message to lawmakers. "The unified voice of our membership sends a very powerful message to lawmakers," said Cohen.

Despite the positive developments, AOPA will continue pushing for the bill's withdrawal and will monitor New Jersey's legislative calendar to make sure the bill does not come up for action.

FMI:  www.aopa.org


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