Gulfstream G400’s First Flight A Success | Aero-News Network
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Sat, Aug 17, 2024

Gulfstream G400’s First Flight A Success

All-New Aircraft Launches Flight Test Program

Gulfstream Aerospace announced its all-new G400 completed its first flight successfully, signaling the launch of the flight test program.

The G400 flew out of the Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport (KSAV) for nearly three hours, reaching Mach 0.85 and an altitude of 41,000 feet. The aircraft used a blend of SAF from the Gulfstream Savannah campus. The entry-level large cabin craft, with seating for up to 11 or 12 passengers depending on the floor plan, features Gulfstream’s aerodynamic clean-wing and winglet design, two Pratt & Whitney Canada PW812GA engines, and the Gulfstream Symmetry Flight Deck with Predictive Landing Performance System for flight safety and pilot situational awareness. The advanced high-speed Gulfstream-designed wing and winglet enhance the aircraft’s efficiency and were introduced on the G500 and G600.

Customers can tour the interior of the G400 at Gulfstream’s showroom in Savannah, where there is a full-size G400 mock-up with an immersive multimedia display. Another G400 mock-up is available for tours at the Gulfstream sales and design center in Beverly Hills, California.

Mark Burns, the President of Gulfstream said, “The completion of the first flight marks a significant milestone for the G400. It demonstrates, yet again, the maturity of Gulfstream’s new aircraft programs and the advantages created by the intentionally designed commonalities shared across our next-generation fleet.”



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