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Fri, Jun 06, 2003

What Day is It?

Desktop Art Available in Many Flavors

Every ANN reader has a place for a calendar. Maybe there's not a lot of space on your wall; but there is space -- already available on your desk.

Each month, you have another shot at spiffing up your desktop, and showing co-workers what you're made of.

This month, you're made of tube and fabric, and you've got Fowler-style flaps, and you know how to have fun in the air. You can also let those over-your-shoulder types know that there are some fast Kitfoxes around, now, too.

You jet guys -- don't be sad that you're not featured this month; and we don't want any comments about how a calendar is the best way to time little-airplane records. Remind me: how much fuel do you burn???

To get this month's featured calendar wallpaper, click below.

FMI: www.skystar.com/wallpaper.htm


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