FAA Training Requirement Update Approved For Mitsubishi MU-2 | Aero-News Network
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Sun, Nov 06, 2016

FAA Training Requirement Update Approved For Mitsubishi MU-2

14 CFR Part 91 Subpart N Replaces Special Federal Aviation Regulation 108

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries America has forwarded the following information to ANN for dissemination to better ensure a continued top safety record through appropriate pilot training. They are reporting that the Federal Aviation Administration has just introduced a new regulation, 14 CFR Part 91 Subpart N, which will be replacing Special Federal Aviation Regulation 108 (SFAR 108) concerning MU-2B special training, experience, and operating requirements.

Mitsubishi explains that in general terms, the new regulation 14 CFR Part 91 Subpart N replaces and updates SFAR 108. All MU-2 owners and operators are encouraged to review the new regulation above. Operators currently in compliance with SFAR 108 will remain in compliance with the new Subpart N qualification requirements and, typically, no adjustment to your training schedule will be required but future compliance with 14 CFR Part 91 Subpart N do affect qualifications for MU-2 trainers.

The purpose of this action is to remove the details of the training program (such as the profiles) from the CFR. Instead, the training program will be incorporated into a new Advisory Circular AC 91-89, Mitsubishi MU-2B Training Program, which will be referenced in Subpart N.

Removing the training program from the CFR and incorporating it by reference in an AC will enable corrections and modifications to be more readily implemented without having to go through the oftentimes long and detailed federal rulemaking process. “This will benefit the MU-2 community since modifications to the training program (such as changes to the stall recovery procedure) will be more easily corrected with AC updates in the future,” advises Pat Cannon who represents Mitsubishi Heavy Industries America (MHIA) in the management of 14 CFR Part 91 Subpart N program.

Cannon also alerts the MU-2 community to an important change associated with Part 91 Subpart N. By November 7, 2016, all MU-2 instructors and training providers will need to have their MU-2 training program approved in writing by the FAA Administrator. Although training providers are allowed to submit their own training program to the FAA for approval, they have the option to submit the training program described in the AC to their local Flight Standards District Offices (FSDO). This second option should allow quick acceptance. All operators, if scheduling training after November 7, 2016, should check that their training provider has received FAA approval for their training program per the requirements of Part 91 Subpart N and the associated AC.

According to Mitsubishi Heavy Industries America, advocacy for the instatement of the original SFAR and now the 14 CFR Part 91 Subpart N is largely responsible for the MU-2’s industry ranking as the safest aircraft in its class.

(Image from file)

FMI: Link to the new regulation


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