HAI Announces Recipient Of 2008 MD Helicopters Law Enforcement Award | Aero-News Network
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Sun, Dec 16, 2007

HAI Announces Recipient Of 2008 MD Helicopters Law Enforcement Award

HPD Officer Dan Schwarzbach Honored

Helicopter Association International told ANN this week of this year's MD Helicopters Law Enforcement Award recipient, Mr. Daniel B. Schwarzbach, a Senior Police Officer with the Houston (TX) Police Department. Schwarzbach has been with the department for 27 years, the last 23 years assigned to the Helicopter Patrol Unit. A unit pilot for 20 years, he has also served as tactical flight officer and unit Budget Coordinator.

Schwarzbach joined the Airborne Law Enforcement Association (ALEA) in 1986, and in 1998, was elected South Central Region Director. During his 10 years on the ALEA Board of Directors, he has also served as Secretary; Chairman of the Air Beat, General Manual, and Executive Committees; and recently began his third two-year term as ALEA President.

He is also Editor-in-Chief of Air Beat magazine, the Association's bi-monthly journal, and the Editor of the ALEA's monthly E-Newsletter. The ALEA is a non-profit educational association whose mission is to promote and advance the safe utilization of aircraft by law enforcement agencies.

During Schwarzbach's tenure, the Association began their "Safety First" Program, and mandated that ALEA actively participate in the 2005 and 2007 International Helicopter Safety Symposiums. He also had ALEA serve as a member of the International Helicopter Safety Team (IHST).

HAI says Schwarzbach re-invigorated the Airborne Law Enforcement Accreditation Commission (ALEAC), which will draft industry standards for the operation and administration of law enforcement aviation units in the United States. It is believed that compliance with these standards will play a major role in the IHST's stated goal of reducing helicopter accidents by 80 percent in 10 years.

Schwarzbach is also an active member of HAI's Government Services Committee, the International Association of Chiefs of Police Aviation Committee, and the National Sheriffs Association Special Operations Committee. He is committed to the growth of law enforcement aviation and the enhancement of aviation safety for the safe and successful completion of each airborne law enforcement mission.

HAI notes Schwarzbach's work continues to benefit the airborne law enforcement industry and, therefore, the entire helicopter community. For his contributions to the advancement of aviation in law enforcement, Officer Schwarzbach is awarded the 2008 MD Helicopters Law Enforcement Award.

All winners will be recognized at HELI-EXPO 2008's annual "Salute to Excellence" Awards Banquet on February 25, 2008 in Houston

FMI: www.heliexpo.com, www.houstontx.gov/police/


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