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Sun, Sep 14, 2003

How Many Ways Can You Twist And Shout?

Ideal Aerosmith Has New 9-Axis Motion Sim For COMANCHE Program

Yeah, but will it walk the dog and feed the kids?

Lonnie Rogers, President of Ideal Aerosmith, Inc. says his company has been awarded a contract from Sikorsky Aircraft to design, develop, and manufacture a simulation system to support the Army's COMANCHE helicopter program. He says this new system is one of the most advanced applications of Ideal Aerosmith's technological capabilities gained over six decades of producing precision rate and positioning motion tables.

"The selection of Ideal Aerosmith by Sikorsky for this important segment of the COMANCHE program is indeed an honor and a testament to our accomplishments in the motion simulation field," Rogers says.

This new motion simulation system will be used in the COMANCHE Aircraft Integration Facility (ACIF) Laboratory. The rate table will facilitate integration of mission equipment and replicate the positional relationships of sensors and weapon systems during typical mission scenarios. The company says the high degree of mission simulation fidelity gained by use of the rate table (in conjunction with actual aircraft assets) will reduce integration risks.



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