FAA, TSA Issue Airspace Control Measures in Nat'l Capital
Region Under Orange Threat Level
We warned
you that something was up... and that it wasn't good. The FAA, in
conjunction with the TSA, announced enhanced airspace control
measures in the National Capital Region to a level consistent with
National Threat Level Orange.
"Terrorists are known to favor targets in the transportation
sector and to consider our civil aviation system an arsenal of
improvised weapons," said DOT Under Secretary James M. Loy, head of
the Transportation Security Administration. "The Washington capital
region is home to a number of particularly symbolic targets which
must be protected. We appreciate the cooperation of the general
aviation community as we implement sound security measures and
tighten our defenses during this period of heightened alert."
The new airspace control measures create an Air Defense
Identification Zone in the airspace under 18,000 feet in roughly a
30-mile radius around Washington, and further enhance security
measures in the 15-mile Flight Restricted Zone around the district.
(The text of the NOTAM and a detailed map of the affected area will
be provided to Flight Service Stations this weekend and will be
available at www.faa.gov.)
Agency officials said they had designed the restrictions to
increase security while allowing local general aviation airports to
remain in operation.
“As pilots in the National Capital Region
know all too well, proper pre-flight planning requires them to
check for and review Notices to Airmen prior to every
flight,” said FAA Administrator Marion C. Blakey (right).
“As all federal, local and state agencies work together to
respond to an increased threat level, the FAA will redouble its
efforts to get the pilot community timely, accurate information and
to balance current security needs with the needs of the flying
The new measures, which become effective at 6 a.m. Monday, Feb.
10, will require general aviation pilots to maintain two-way radio
communications, use a transponder and discrete beacon code, file
IFR/VFR flight plans and follow standard air traffic procedures
before entering the ADIZ.
All existing waivers in the Flight Restricted Zone
have been cancelled, but will be re-evaluated and reissued by the
TSA, as appropriate. In response to the declaration of National
Threat Level Orange (high risk), the TSA has taken a number of
actions to increase the level of security across the nation's
aviation system. TSA is enacting additional security measures for
U.S. aircraft operators, U.S. airports and international departures
from the United States.
The TSA is coordinating with the FAA to ensure that appropriate
flight restrictions are in place. The TSA requires increased
inspections and surveillance of airport terminals and perimeters
and areas controlled by aircraft operators as well as the posting
of a law enforcement officer at all high traffic areas. Vehicle
restrictions also have been implemented. Additionally, TSA is
working with local law enforcement to increase security at general
aviation fields in the Washington, DC region.