But Thousands Show Up For AOPA Fly-In
More than
3,000 people turned out for the 13th annual AOPA Fly-In and Open
House Saturday, despite weather that remained stubbornly IFR.
"The enthusiasm of the general aviation community never ceases
to amaze me," said AOPA President Phil Boyer. "We were thrilled to
see so many pilots and flying enthusiasts drive in when the weather
refused to cooperate. It just goes to show how vibrant general
aviation really is."
Some 2,700 people drove in for the day, while nearly 120
aircraft came through Saturday's instrument meteorological
conditions to attend. Another 45 aircraft came in on Friday to beat
the bad weather.
Vendors reported a good volume of traffic in the big tent behind
AOPA's headquarters building. AOPA Certified Services partners were
especially pleased. "We took dozens of applications for AOPA credit
cards, and the AOPA Insurance Agency was doing a brisk business
telling pilots about renter's liability insurance," said Debbie
Hayden, program director for AOPA's Products and Services
As always, the 14 hours of seminars offered at this year's
Fly-In were a big draw. Topics ranged from single-pilot IFR
operations, spatial disorientation, and aeronautical decision
making, to deciding whether it's better to rent or own an aircraft,
to the always-popular hangar-flying session with Rod Machado.

Boyer Warns About Security-Related Airspace Restrictions
Boyer took on the issue of national security and airspace
restrictions when he hosted his first-ever Fly-In seminar.
Specifically, he talked with pilots about the air defense
identification zone (ADIZ) and other restrictions around Washington
(DC). He warned the audience that he's been told the ADIZ is not
going away.
"Our biggest thing now is to try to work with the agencies to
find operational solutions," Boyer said. He outlined several of the
proposals that AOPA has laid before the FAA and the TSA and said
the agencies have indicated they're at least willing to consider
the options.
"During a meeting with the head of the Transportation Security
Administration, Adm. James Loy, and other top officials earlier
this week, we were told that getting back to the way things were
September 10, 2001, will be a long way away," Boyer told the
audience. But he also relayed some promising developments from that
meeting. "One official told us, 'there were some things done in the
wake of 9/11 that need rethinking,'" said Boyer.

Boyer was joined at the seminar by high-ranking officials from
the FAA and the Transportation Security Administration. Bruce
Johnson and Linda Schuessler, director and deputy director,
respectively, of the FAA's Air Traffic Service division; Nancy
Kalinowski, deputy director of the Air Traffic Airspace Management
Program at the FAA; and Bruce Landry and Michael Morrison from the
TSA were in the audience to hear firsthand the concerns on GA
pilots' minds.
After-Market Vendors Report Business Good
Vendors attending the Fly-In say that business has been fairly
good since the September 11 terrorist attacks, although the
market's grown softer since the war with Iraq began. One paint shop
operator said that while there's usually a six- to 12-month wait to
get an aircraft painted, right now his shop is working about two
months out. Other vendors report similar situations, with customers
still coming in but at a somewhat slower rate.

That information supports AOPA's position that general aviation,
at least that part which supports small, single-engine owners and
pilots, is weathering the current soft economy better than the rest
of the aviation industry. During a recent speech to the Aero Club
of Washington, Boyer noted that wait times to have new avionics
installed are running as long as three months, indicating good
health among companies that help owners outfit their aircraft. At
the same time, new sales of the typical four-seat, single-engine GA
aircraft are holding steady, unlike most other sectors of the
AOPA's next major gathering will be in Philadelphia for the
annual AOPA Expo, October 30-November 1, 2003. ANN's Jim
Campbell is enroute home at the moment and will file additional
reports tomorrow.