Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome Celebrating 50th Season | Aero-News Network
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Mon, Jun 08, 2009

Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome Celebrating 50th Season

Amazing Show Season Begins On June 13th 

Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome is prepping for the beginning of a celebration of its Golden Anniversary, and the start of 2009 show season. A barnstorming air show on Saturday, June 13, featuring pioneering antique airplanes will open the season. Featured on Sunday, June 14, will be mock dogfights between biplanes of The Great War and a cameo appearance by the evil Black Baron of Rhinebeck and his red 1918 DR-1 Fokker tri-plane. The museum and grounds open at 10 AM daily, with air shows at 2 PM every Saturday and Sunday through October 19.

"Part of our pioneer air show is a runway-hopping demonstration flight by the Aerodrome's 1909 Bleriot XI that is 100 years old this year. It is the oldest original flying airplane in the United States," said Hugh Schoelzel, President of Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome's Air Shows. "We are also proud to feature one of the last flying original Curtis Jennys in the world."

For Father's Day, the old Rhinebeck folks invite you to treat Dad to an Aerodrome air show on June 20 or 21. Admission for dad is $15; a $75 biplane ride/airshow admission combo is also available in the Aerodrome's 1929 new standard biplanes.

Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome will host a "Girls with Wings" seminar for girls and young women to learn more about flying for recreation or career, on August 22. Women aviation professionals will conduct the seminar.

FMI: www.oldrhinebeck.org


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