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Tue, Nov 04, 2003

Mooney's New Customer Support Programs

New Position Features Todd Bates

Mooney Airplane Company just announced initiation of a new program designed to enhance customer support for owners of Mooney aircraft. According to J. Nelson Happy, Mooney's president: "We really appreciate the support and enthusiasm of the owners of about 10,000 Mooneys in service now. They are truly `Mooniacs,' and we want to make sure they are treated well by the factory. We have hired Todd Bates as our new Senior Manager of Customer Support. He is based at our Kerrville plant and we will be working around the clock to make sure Mooney customers are treated right."

Mr. Bates reports to Nicolas Chabbert, Executive Vice President of Marketing and Sales. Mr. Chabbert noted: "Todd Bates is an experienced pilot, and since 1991 has been the owner of Motor City Aviation in Oakland County (MI), where he has over 20 years of experience in aviation customer service and sales. He knows customers' needs and will bring great energy to our customer support program."

"I am excited and honored by the opportunity to join the company. I have always thought that Mooney is the aviation equivalent of the Ferrari, and the performance designed into the airplane is legendary. I intend to create the best factory support division in general aviation, including parts sales, technical assistance, factory repairs and refurbishing including paint and interiors," Mr. Bates said.



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