Tue, Nov 26, 2024
Stratolaunch successfully completed the 20th test flight of its Roc launch platform.

The manufacturer will now be increasing test frequency prepping for its recoverable Talon-A2 testbed. The latest test flight included a mid-flight landing, allowing Stratolaunch to switch out its crew before getting back in the air. The second flight crew was able to finalize certification on the aircraft during the flight. Having two certified crews expands Stratolaunch’s ability to conduct more frequent tests. Mike Heuer, son of legendary aerobatic aviator Robert Heuer, recently announced that the Robert L. Heuer Aerobatic Contest is being brought back to life. It will be hosted by former IAC Vice President Doug Bartlett in Platteville, Wisconsin just before the 2025 EAA Oshkosh AirVenture. Beta Technologies recently sent the first production-representative Alia CX300 up for its debut flight. The electric conventional takeoff and landing (eCTOL) aircraft is the first to come off the manufacturer’s new production line in South Burlington, Vermont. All this -- and MORE in today's episode
of Airborne-Unlimited!!!

Airborne 11.18.24 is chock full of info in this Daily News Episode, Monday, November 18th, 2024... Presented by Aero-TV veteran videographer and Airborne Host Holland Lee. Holland is supported by ANN Chief Videographer Nathan Cremisino, as well as ANN CEO/Editor-In-Chief Jim Campbell. This episode covers:
- Stratolaunch Roc Completes 20th Test Flight
- Aerobatic Contest Revived to Honor Robert Heuer
- Beta’s Production-Model Alia CX300 Takes First Flight
- Pitkin Residents Vote For County Control Over Airport Decisions
- McFarlane Aviation Acquires Instrument Tech Corporation
- NBAA Fires Back on Bogus Sustainability Report
- AST Taps New Glenn Rocket for BlueBird Sat Launches
Get Comprehensive, Real-Time, 24/7 coverage of the latest aviation and aerospace stories anytime, at aero-news.net. And be sure to join us again tomorrow, for the next edition of "Airborne Unlimited" here on Aero-TV. Thanks for watching. See you, again, tomorrow!
© 2024, Aero-News Network, Inc., ALL Rights Reserved.

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