Gulf's Airspace Merits More Attention: HAI | Aero-News Network
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Wed, Apr 23, 2003

Gulf's Airspace Merits More Attention: HAI

HAI Calls on Congress to Authorize Gulf Infrastructure in Flight-100

The Helicopter Association International continues to ask Congress, on behalf of offshore helicopter operators, for inclusion of language in the Centennial of Flight Aviation Authorization Act ("Flight-100") that would develop a low altitude air traffic infrastructure in the Gulf of Mexico. At present, the National Airspace System (NAS) lacks the required communications, surveillance, and weather equipment to support efficient flight and aviation growth in that region. HAI believes that an immediate need exists for the development of a low-level air traffic infrastructure to support the 5,000 to 9,000 flights that operate daily to and from more than 3,800 offshore platforms that support the 35,000 citizens who live and work in the offshore industry.

HAI has met with members of the Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida, and Alabama Congressional delegations alerting them that the lack of reliable weather data and low altitude communications capability affect both safety and efficiency of flight operations in the Gulf of Mexico.

The organization is requesting that Congress include language in the FAA Reauthorization Bill supporting a low-level air traffic infrastructure in the Gulf to provide communications, surveillance, and weather equipment for helicopter operations.

Despite significant Congressional interest, little investment has been made by the FAA to provide services in the Gulf of Mexico. Flight operations in the Gulf require the same services that are available and are the norm in other parts of the NAS. HAI believes that an immediate investment by the FAA in currently available, proven VHF communications and automated weather technologies would serve as a short-term solution to the problem. HAI also supports a Capstone demonstration project, incorporating ADS-B surveillance and satellite communications, which would address long-term operational needs in the Gulf of Mexico and would integrate helicopter requirements into future NAS design.



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