Vortex-Detection Test in Denver | Aero-News Network
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Tue, Jul 15, 2003

Vortex-Detection Test in Denver

Tests to Run a Month, Starting Mid-August

Flight Safety Technologies, Inc. has finalized its plans to test its 'Socrates' Wake Vortex Detection and Tracking technology at the Denver International Airport this summer. The 'Socrates' test is scheduled to start on August 18, 2003 and testing is planned to continue through mid-September.

Lockheed/Martin Corporation is the principal subcontractor and team partner with FST on the project. Other participants in the test will include NASA, the DOT Volpe National Transportation Systems Center and the German Aerospace Center (Deutches Zentrum fur Luft-und Raumfahrt), commonly called DLR.

UAVs: the next threat?

Flight Safety Technologies is continuing to develop its patented UNICORN collision avoidance technology. The company has become aware of a growing interest on the part of NASA, FAA, the Department of Homeland Defense and the Department of Defense, regarding the proliferation of the current and planned uses of Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAVs), which might present a risk of collision with private and commercial aircraft if operated outside of restricted airspace; thus there is a requirement for a collision avoidance capability. The company has begun preliminary discussions with NASA regarding the possible application of its UNICORN technology to this UAV requirement, and plans to submit an unsolicited proposal for NASA funding for this project. Although NASA has a substantial budget plan for UAV technology, there is no assurance that the company's proposal will be accepted or that it will receive any government funding for UNICORN.

[FST is not affiliated with FlightSafety, International --ed.]

FMI: www.flysafetech.com


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