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Fri, Nov 26, 2004

Phil Delivers! AOPA Makes Good On Expo Promise

Just As We Thought... FAA Says Pilots Should Have Access To Facilities

Pilots should be able to enter FAA facilities. There is currently no nationwide security reason to bar access to flight service stations, air traffic control facilities, and other FAA offices, AOPA and the FAA have determined.

In getting that determination, AOPA is delivering on an "IOU" that association President Phil Boyer took at AOPA Expo last month.

During the Expo general session with TSA chief Rear Adm. David Stone, one pilot, who is a scout aviation merit badge counselor, asked, "When can we restore the freedom of taking these young people into the towers and flight service stations like we could three years ago?"

Stone replied that he was unaware of the problem, but he would talk to FAA Administrator Marion Blakey.

That's when AOPA President Phil Boyer jumped in. "He's pointing at Marion [Blakey], yesterday she was pointing at him... I'll take the IOU to figure out where this is emanating from. We'll work with both agencies and figure out how these youth programs and doing business with the FAA can continue, and at the same time secure these facilities," Boyer told the Expo audience.

Now here is the official answer from the FAA's security office.

Under the current "code yellow"" (elevated) threat alert, flight service stations should still be open to walk-in briefings (unless there is a specific threat at a specific facility).

Pilots also should be allowed access to air traffic control facilities for operational purposes. That would include tours and Operation Raincheck programs, but as has always been the case, access is dependent upon the availability of FAA personnel to conduct the tour. Operation Raincheck is an FAA educational program designed to familiarize pilots with the air traffic control system.

There may be additional security for visitors depending upon the facility. For example, pilots may need to provide their names in advance before participating in a tour or program.

And access to FAA facilities will be further restricted or prohibited if the threat level is raised to code orange (high) or red (severe).

"'Security' has been a convenient excuse for slamming shut the door at some ATC facilities," said Andy Cebula, AOPA senior vice president of Government and Technical Affairs, "but we now know that it's been just that — an excuse in most cases.

"Pilots should tell us if they're still denied appropriate access. We know the right people to talk to in headquarters, and we'll get the doors opened."



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