Fri, Oct 03, 2003
Plan Released
The FAA has released its strategic goals, and we thought we'd
have a quick look at the General Aviation section... which
includes UAVs... hmmm...
Here's that little section; for the complete document, please go
to the link at the bottom of the story.
Aside from the interesting insertion of the UAV mention, it all
looks like "Mom and Apple Pie" to us, with some long-neglected
programs' coming closer to the fore. What do you think?
Implement technologies and systems that will help pilots operate
aircraft as safely as possible.
1. Provide Visual Flight
Rule (VFR) pilots with Instrument Flight Rule - like (IFR)
environments by achieving full operational capability of WAAS and
delivery of Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast
(ADS-B/TIS-B) at key sites.
2. Provide text and graphical data (for example, weather, wind
shear alerts, temporary flight restrictions, and notices to airmen)
to the cockpit through flight information services broadcast
(FIS-B) on an ADS-B link.
3. Increase situational awareness by improving the capabilities of
small aircraft with integrated displays, WAAS, data-link, and
ADS-B/TIS-B aircraft position.
Establish stand (sic) procedures and guidelines for general
aviation operators.
- Ensure that safety oversight and regulatory compliance keeps
pace with changes in the general aviation environment.
- Publish RPN/Area Navigation (RNAV) approaches.
- Continue to implement General Aviation Joint Steering Committee
(JSC) initiatives and pursue joint identification and analysis of
safety issues within JSC.
- Continue applied human factors research to identify human
factors in accidents and develop strategies and methods for
reducing such accidents.
- Develop and implement airport design standards, surface
movement strategies, surface movement procedures, infrastructure,
and training to enhance the efficiency of aircraft movement and to
reduce collision risk
- Develop policies, procedures, and approval processes to enable
operation of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV).
- Develop streamlined processes for certifying and approving
communications navigation surveillance (CNS) equipment, basic
cockpit displays, electronic flight bags (EFB), and other safety
related flight technologies.
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